1, liquidity risk
The so-called liquidity risk refers to the difficulty that investors face in realizing their investment and the risk that they cannot realize it at a suitable price when they need to sell their investment objects.
2. Risk of unknown purchase and redemption price:
Because China adopts the unknown price method, investors can't know what the net value of fund shares is on the day of purchase or redemption. At what price? This kind of risk is the unknown risk of fund purchase or redemption price.
3. Risk of fund investment
This kind of risk includes the investment risk of stocks and bonds. The investment risks of funds are different with different investment objectives. According to their own risk tolerance, investors can choose the fund varieties suitable for their own financial situation and investment objectives to invest.
4. Operational risks of institutions
A. System operation risk: the risk brought to investors when the operating systems of the fund operation parties fail;
B. Management risk: the risk brought to investors by the management level of all parties involved in fund operation;
C. Operational risk: the risk brought to investors by the failure of all parties involved in the operation of each fund to fulfill their obligations; .
5. Force majeure risk
Refers to the risks brought to investors when force majeure factors such as war and natural disasters occur.