What is the salary of big data?
10% of domestic IT and communication industry recruitment is related to big data, and the proportion is still rising. The huge talent gap directly leads enterprises to hire big data talents with high salaries. In the direction of big data, due to the high talent scarcity, under the same working years, the salary of big data engineers is generally higher, and the salary increase will exceed other positions.
The career development path of big data engineers is divided into five stages, and the positions and salaries corresponding to each stage are different. The first stage: internship engineer, working for the first year, with a monthly salary of more than 6 K.
The second stage: assistant engineer, 1-2 years working experience, monthly salary 13K-20K.
The third stage: junior and intermediate engineers, with 3 years' working experience and a monthly salary of 20-35K.
Stage 4: Senior engineer with 3-5 years working experience, with a monthly salary of 30-50K.
Stage 5: Chief Engineer/Architect, with a monthly salary of more than 50k.
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