The function of fund net value is to evaluate and quote the fund more accurately, so that the fund price can reflect the true value of the fund more accurately. The accumulated net value of the fund reflects the accumulated income of the fund since its establishment, and reflects the historical performance of the fund in operation more intuitively and comprehensively.
No matter what kind of fund, when it is first issued, the total amount of the fund is divided into several equal parts, each of which is a fund unit. In the process of fund operation, the unit price of the fund will change with the change of fund asset value and income.
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The net value of fund share is mainly estimated by the net value of fund assets at a certain price. The key to calculate the net asset value of a unit fund is that the fund often invests in various investment tools in the securities market. Because the market price of these assets is constantly changing, only by recalculating the net asset value of the unit fund every day can the investment value of the fund be reflected in time.
The accumulated net value is equal to the sum of the unit net value and the accumulated unit dividend amount after the establishment of the fund. The net value of a fund is not the main basis for choosing a fund. The growth of fund net value in the future is the key to judge the value of fund investment.
Baidu Encyclopedia-Fund Unit Net Value
Baidu Encyclopedia-Accumulated Fund Net Value
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