Buying a money fund can be said that the risk of losing money is close to zero, but the annual income of saving100000 is about 2000 to 3000, which is really rare. In addition to the money fund, there is also a fund that is a pure debt fund. This kind of fund is also low-risk, but the risk is higher than that of money fund. The yield is about 3% to 4%, and the income is higher than that of the money fund. However, there is no liquidity of the money fund, so it cannot be used as the balance treasure of Alipay. It needs to be sold before 3 pm that day and will be received tomorrow. If it is sold after 3 pm, it will be received the day after tomorrow. Moreover, pure debt can't be bought and sold frequently, and it needs to be held for a long time, because the buying and selling of pure debt is based on the handling fee, which is relatively high, but it will be relatively reduced with the growth of your holding time.
Money funds and pure debt funds can basically guarantee stable profits without losses, but the income is very small, so it is impossible to beat inflation by these. The inflation rate is around 6.5% every year.
In addition to money funds and pure debt funds, there are hybrid funds and equity funds. These two funds have high annualized rates, but they also have risks. For those who don't know, the risk is higher. It is not recommended that you go crazy blindly and invest blindly for high returns, because you don't understand that you may not only make money, but even lose your principal.