In ancient China, offering sacrifices to heaven was the main form for people to pray for God's blessing and eliminate disasters. From more than 5000 years ago, there was a ceremony to worship heaven. At the beginning, only the son of heaven was qualified to worship heaven.
This ceremony has always been respected and respected by people. Before offering sacrifices to heaven, people need to clean their houses, bathe and change clothes, and then sincerely pray for the blessing of the gods when offering sacrifices to heaven. When people in ancient times built some buildings, they all showed their reverence for the gods through the design of various details. The Temple of Heaven shows its symbolic significance through three aspects: shape, color and number.
The Temple of Heaven in Beijing was the place where emperors of Ming and Qing Dynasties "offered sacrifices to heaven" and "prayed for blessings". There is a "Valley Prayer" in the north, which is used to pray for a bumper harvest in spring. The central building is the Hall of Prayer for the New Year. To the south is the Waqiu Altar, which is used to worship heaven during the winter solstice. The central building is a huge circular stone platform named "Waqiu".
The Temple of Heaven is famous for its rigorous architectural layout, peculiar architectural structure and magnificent architectural decoration. The main buildings of the Temple of Heaven complex are all round on the plane, and the roof is pointed, symbolizing the image of "heaven" with plane and space modeling. Through the double eaves roof of Gao Tai Foundation, we can expand the building volume, use low walls as much as possible, expand the image and gain an open momentum.