Yes, the loan limit for small and micro enterprises is 3 million.
①Loan amount: The handling bank will determine the loan amount based on the company's operating conditions, loan repayment ability and guarantee situation, with a maximum limit of 3 million yuan.
②Loan term: no more than 2 years.
③Repayment method: repay in one lump sum when due, or other repayment methods agreed between the enterprise and the handling bank.
Enjoy financial discounts as required.
For qualified small and micro enterprise entrepreneurial guaranteed loans, the financial department will provide an interest discount based on 50% of the loan base interest rate (loan market quotation rate LPR) on the date the loan contract is signed, for a maximum period of no more than 2 years.
Small and micro enterprises bear the other 50% and the floating interest rate themselves.
Guarantee methods for small and micro enterprise loans: ① Guarantee from guarantee institution.
When small and micro enterprises apply for entrepreneurial guaranteed loans, a guarantee institution recognized by the handling bank can provide guarantee for the loan.
② Mortgage and pledge guarantee.
With the consent of the handling bank, the borrower's (enterprise's) real estate, land use rights, securities, etc. can be used as mortgage or pledge guarantee.
③Guaranteed by the Entrepreneurship Guarantee Loan Guarantee Fund.
Regions where the guarantee fund amplification is less than 5 times can explore the use of entrepreneurial guaranteed loan guarantee funds to provide entrepreneurial guaranteed loan guarantees for qualified small and micro enterprises; areas where the guarantee fund amplification is higher than 5 times can explore the use of governmental financing
Cooperate with guarantee institutions to provide guarantees for small and micro enterprises’ entrepreneurial guaranteed loans.