Luxembourg is a member of the European Union, and it is a small big country in Europe. It is located at the junction of France, Germany and Belgium, and its area is a little larger than Shanghai. Advantages of Luxemburg Holding Company compared with other offshore companies
Most of offshore account, including Cayman and Virgin Islands, has been blacklisted by the European Union, the United States and OECD, so in these countries, offshore companies are likely to be taxed. However, Luxembourg has a good reputation and has never been blacklisted by any country in China. Offshore companies cannot enjoy the preferential treatment of two-way tax treaties, so paying dividends to shareholders of the company will result in 5-1% withholding tax. Luxembourg Holding Company, as an onshore company, can enjoy the preferential treatment of multiple tax treaties signed by Luxembourg and nearly 5 countries and regions, so it does not have to pay withholding tax when distributing dividends. How to apply for a job in Luxembourg
Once you find a suitable job, you need to work hard to write a stable job application to maximize your chances of getting this position. You often need to fill out a short application form, push your resume, and provide a cover letter or personal account to briefly describe whether you are suitable for the position.
unless otherwise indicated, the application report and cover letter should be expressed in appropriate language. Letters uploaded together with the application are generally written in French, and if they are handled by large multinational enterprises, they are generally written in English. In Luxembourg, job interviews are generally very formal. Dress appropriately, announce, mainly show professionalism, investigate the enterprise before the interview and prepare some good questions. The recruitment interview usually lasts for 3-6 minutes, depending on the position, there may be testing or daily tasks.
If you do well enough to get the job, we will get the announced job opportunity and the date of starting the campaign through WeChat, letter or email. The company will contact your inviter. Generally, you need to submit 2-3. At present, our company handles EU passport visas: Czech Republic, Latvia, Bulgaria, Austria, Hungary, France, etc. You can get EU passport visas without logging in, with low requirements and short cycle time. See personal introduction or private chat for details such as permanent residence in Portugal and Poland and permanent residence in Luxembourg.
Luxembourg has a social security system based on contributions, which means that I will apply for the laid-off allowance when looking for a job, if you paid it in your previous job. You must work at least 16 hours a week. The amount you can get depends on the working hours and how much you pay. In some circumstances, an EU resident who moves to Luxembourg can pay his unemployment compensation with the money paid in his home country. I will look for detailed information on how to handle it on the website of ADEMPortaildel'employi. ADEM also introduced a series of learning and training opportunities in detail, by which candidates can improve their professional skills and apply for jobs in Luxembourg.
once you have been gradually working in Luxembourg, your employer should put you on record for medical insurance and social security. This includes the public health care you have been in Luxembourg, the national Luxembourg pension, business insurance in the office, and a series of other benefits. Many employers in Luxembourg also provide employee benefits, such as enterprise pension insurance, travel insurance and investment opportunities.