Loan pressure will increase. Some people are happy about the adjustment of the provident fund, but some are worried about it. The main reason is to extend the provident fund policy from 2016 to 2020. The proportion of provident fund payment by units is adjusted to the lower limit of 5% and the upper limit of 12%. The specific amount of payment can be determined by the enterprise.
Enterprises with operating difficulties can apply for a reduction or postponement of payment, which is indeed convenient for most enterprises. The pressure on enterprises is reduced and they do not have to pay so much. It is also beneficial to ordinary employees. It reduces the burden on enterprises, promotes employment, and effectively stabilizes social order.
Provident funds do not require taxation and can narrow the gap between rich and poor to a certain extent.
However, there are still no benefits for ordinary people. The provident fund ratio is low, and the wages received by everyone will increase.
However, personal income tax still has to be paid, so the money that has not yet reached your hands is still gone. Without the provident fund, the pressure to repay the loan will be even greater.
If the individual's deposit ratio is already lower than 12%, it will not be affected. If you do not plan to buy a house in the first place, it will not be affected. Furthermore, part of the provident fund paid by the company is the individual's income.
After the provident fund ratio is reduced, companies will pay less for themselves, which means their income will decrease. This is a reality. Therefore, some companies with good operating conditions are unwilling to reduce the provident fund. The adjustment of the provident fund makes it easier for some companies to maintain.
of enterprises.
But in fact, it has little impact on the general public. If you don't have money to buy a house, you still have no money. You can't always look at national policies. The identification of second homes has been adjusted from "recognize the house but not subscribe for the loan" to "recognize the house and subscribe for the loan."
The maximum provident fund loan amount for a second home has been reduced from 800,000 yuan to 600,000 yuan.
When you make more money, you don’t have to worry too much about such fine-tuning of policies, which will have little impact.
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