Under normal circumstances, when investing in a fund, because the fund is operated by the fund manager, the income of the fund is mainly obtained after the fund manager invests in the fund funds. Therefore, investing in a fund, the ability of the fund manager and the situation of the fund market are also very important. Often when investing in a fund, we can judge whether the fund is worth investing by analyzing the current market situation and the performance of the fund manager. Buy various funds that suit your risk tolerance. Most of the funds issued now are open-end stock funds, which is the most risky fund in China.
Some investors believe that the stock market is experiencing a big bull market, and many funds are issued through major banks, so there is absolutely no risk. But they don't know that the fund is just an expert in investing and managing money for you. They want to use your money to buy securities. Like any investment, there are certain risks, and this risk will never disappear completely. If you don't have enough risk-taking ability, buy partial debt or bond funds, or even money market funds. ?
In addition, it is worth mentioning that if the fund is bought before the fund is opened, there will be a closed period after the fund is opened, during which investors cannot redeem the funds invested in the fund. Fund companies use funds to buy stocks or invest in bonds for the first time. It is for the fund manager to open a position. After the subscription of the fund, the funds raised by the fund are used for investment to earn income for users. For private investors, fund opening refers to the first investment to buy a fund. ?
Qianhai Kaiyuan Yuze fof Fund