The three lines we call refer to the average price line, average volume line, and MACD that send out golden cross signals.
)REF(OPEN,2);: 1. The three golden cross vibrations are a very strong buying signal, with an astonishingly high success rate. They often rise as soon as you buy! In technical analysis, "price, volume, time, and...
"Short", three of these four major factors send out golden cross buy signals, which greatly improves the accuracy of judgment. Many investors want to make quick money in the short term, and many people also ask Mingdeng how to catch short-term bull stocks.
, however, in fact, not every short-term operator can make profits as expected. The market is ever-changing, and without certain techniques and methods, it is easy for retail investors to lose money. Therefore, if they want to succeed in the stock market, retail investors should learn more relevant knowledge.
Skills and hard work will always pay off. 2. Tell me about your understanding of the question "Are there no overlaps between the three lines of red and the first line of red?" "Three lines of red" are the three lines that appeared at the same time after 2019-9-1.
Reaching above 90, the first line of red means that at least one of the current RPS lines is above 90, to avoid that all three RPS lines will continue to increase below 90 due to short-term declines such as thunderstorms after 2019 that are much larger than other stocks in the market.
On the 120-day line, the latest closing price is required to be above the 120-day line, and there are only 123 stocks left. The conditional stock selection formula on the 120-day line is as follows, which requires the latest closing price to be above the 120-day line: C>MA(C,120.
); There are a total of 3,750 A-share stocks. I only used these three quantitative conditions (all selected by the computer) and used computer operation to reduce it to 123 stocks in one minute. These 123 stocks are the golden stocks in 2020.
Candidate list. 3. It was very difficult to choose stocks a few years ago. I usually couldn’t find the good stocks I wanted after looking through many stocks. Now, after selecting 123 shortlists in one minute, I only have this list.
After selecting, I feel that the efficiency has suddenly improved a lot. First, add the Minion (Three Lines of Red) condition to the list of 1,773 stocks with a fund holding 3% + northbound holdings of 30 million (the time period is 2019-9-1).
Start), and then there are only 285 stocks left. Then add the conditions for Hong Kong stocks to increase their positions, and there are only 145 stocks left. Then add the conditions for the first line to turn red, requiring that at least one RPS curve is red on the latest closing day.
There are only 131 left.