Securities investment fund is a main type of investment fund. It is a collective investment method in which investors' funds are concentrated to form independent property by selling fund shares, which is managed by fund managers, fund custodians and fund holders, and enjoy the benefits and bear risks according to their shares. Here, I want to share some information about fund investment for your reference.
What did fund investment learn from entry to proficiency?
Fund investment can easily lead many novices astray. A foundation shows a lot of data to everyone, but many people don't understand which are the key points. Today, I want to talk about the basic knowledge of fund investment, so that everyone can quickly transition from novice to veteran, so that you can take fewer detours and really get a variety of benefits.
The first point: the daily net worth is not that important. Many people who invest in funds are most concerned about the daily net value data, but in fact, OTC funds will only have two prices a day, an opening price and a closing price. There is no point in staring at the daily fluctuation range. The first thing you have to do is to learn to look at the cumulative net increment.
The second point: the management team is more important than the fund manager. Each fund will introduce its management manager in detail, and education, experience and performance will make everyone feel that buying this fund is very reliable. But in fact, fund managers are more in control of the investment direction, and the management team actually operates the fund. Think about it. Many funds with assets of hundreds of millions are operated by a management team. It is definitely impossible for a fund manager to manage such a huge fund by himself. Therefore, to understand a fund, we should start with its management team.
The third point: only look at a single fund product. This is the most common mistake everyone makes. Buying that fund depends only on the situation of this fund. Funds are managed by fund companies, and good fund companies have rich investment experience, strong risk control ability and strong operational ability. So why do many funds have poor performance, or are some people willing to buy them? It is because these people tend to pay more attention to the management company behind the fund. The management system of large fund companies will be more perfect, which will reduce some investment risks to some extent. There is still much to learn from fund investment, but through the experience of some predecessors, we can avoid many detours. When investing in funds, we must make a comprehensive analysis, and don't just pursue high returns.
What knowledge does a novice buy a fund?
1, don't use the fund price as the subscription standard. Many novices will choose funds with low net worth, thinking that it is cheaper to buy them this way. For example, the unit net value of Fund A is 2.50 yuan/share, and the unit net value of Fund B is only 1.50 yuan/share, so Fund B is selected for subscription. Because the rate of return of different funds is different, after one year, the unit net value of fund B may far exceed that of fund A. When choosing a fund, novices should not only take the price of the fund as the purchase standard, but also refer to the expected rate of return of the fund and other indicators.
2. Understand the time of fund purchase According to the different fund operation cycles, fund purchase can be divided into two ways: fund subscription and fund subscription. Because new funds are not listed yet, they are generally subscribed, while old funds are generally subscribed. If you want to buy a newly issued fund, you need to know the exact subscription time of this fund. The subscription of new funds is often hot, and if you miss the time, you may not be able to grab the subscription share.
3, understand the fund rate fund purchase needs to pay a certain fee, mainly including subscription fee, redemption fee, management fee and custody fee.
How to choose and buy a fund entry?
No matter what kind of financial products you invest in, you should choose the right time to buy them. Only when the time is right, the final income will not be too bad; It is very important to know the benefits and risks of various funds. We all know that funds are divided into stock funds, bond funds, money market funds and hybrid funds. Money market funds are the most risky and the least risky.
Sometimes, although the types of fund investment are the same, the investment strategies and styles are different, so the risks will be different. Tip 4: Considering the investment period, investors need to decide their investment period according to their own capital situation and asset liquidity to avoid unnecessary losses; Investors must understand the management, investment style and performance of fund companies before choosing high-quality fund companies. By comparing the fund income with the income of the same type of fund or the fund income with the market trend, we can also understand the fund manager and judge the investment style and operation ability of the fund manager from his work experience.
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