the group of p>77 is an international group gradually formed and developed by developing countries in their struggle against the control, exploitation and plunder of superpowers. In 1963, when the 18th General Assembly discussed the issue of convening a conference on trade and development, 75 developing countries put forward a Joint Declaration, which was then called the "Group of 75". Later, at the first United Nations Conference on Trade and Development held in 1964, 77 developing countries and regions issued a joint declaration, which was called the Group of 77 from then on. In 1979, the number of member countries increased to 12, but the name of the Group of 77 was still used. It reflects the common desire of developing countries to move towards joint struggle in order to safeguard their vital interests. The Group of 77 has made important contributions to promoting South-South cooperation and North-South cooperation.
[ Edit this paragraph] Historical Brief Introduction
The Group of 77 is an economic organization, which was established by developing countries to change their passive position in international economic and trade, improve the deteriorating communication environment, and prevent the developing countries' balance of payments deficit from expanding. Its predecessor was the Group of 75. In 1963, when the 18th United Nations General Assembly discussed the convening of a conference on trade and development, 73 Asian, African and Latin American countries, Yugoslavia and New Zealand jointly proposed a joint declaration to form the "Group of 75". Later, Kenya, South Korea and Vietnam joined, and New Zealand announced its withdrawal. When the 18th United Nations General Assembly discussed the convening of a conference on trade and development, the 75 developing countries attending the conference issued a "Joint Declaration", thus forming the Group of 75. At the first United Nations Conference on Trade and Development held in Geneva on June 15th, 1964, there were sharp differences between developed and developing countries on some major issues. Seventy-seven developing countries and regions joined forces and once again issued the Joint Declaration of the Group of 77, calling for the establishment of a new and just international economic order and forming a group to participate in the negotiations of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development. Therefore, the group was called the Group of 77. In 1967, the first ministerial meeting of the Group of 77 was held in Algeria, which adopted the organization's charter. As of June 28, the Group of 77 had 134 full members.
The emergence of the Group of 77 is due to the international unequal economic order, which has caused serious damage to developing countries. It reflects the historical trend of developing countries uniting to safeguard their own interests. Since its establishment, the Group of 77 has gradually expanded from Geneva-based UNCTAD to other United Nations agencies. In addition, there are also the Group of 77 in some important meetings of the United Nations. The Group of 77 does not have a headquarters, a secretariat and other permanent bodies, nor does it have a constitution or a budget. However, due to the common interests of its members, they can often speak with one voice when negotiating with developed countries. Before each session of the General Assembly and UNCTAD, the group usually holds a ministerial meeting to study countermeasures and unify the pace. As a result of its coordinated actions, the group has played an important role in safeguarding the independence and sovereignty of developing countries, establishing a new international economic order, and fighting in the international economic field.
The Group of 77 has no formal articles of association and is a loose consultation mechanism for developing countries. Decisions are made on the principle of consensus during deliberations. But it has its organizations in major international economic institutions. It is particularly active in the United Nations, the Conference on Trade and Development and the Industrial Development Organization. Before each session of the General Assembly and UNCTAD, the Group usually holds a ministerial meeting to coordinate positions and study countermeasures. The ministerial meeting is the highest authority of the organization. The main publications are the Newsletter of the Group of 77.
since its establishment, the group of 77 has mainly devoted itself to safeguarding the national independence and national sovereignty of developing countries, striving for economic interests, coordinating its positions on some issues involving major common interests and playing an active role. In recent years, the desire and voice of the Group of 77 to further strengthen unity and cooperation have become increasingly strong. The Group of 77 strongly demands equal participation in international economic affairs, emphasizes strengthening cooperation and coordination among international financial institutions, and puts forward specific proposals for the reform of the international financial system and the establishment of a multilateral trading system.
Over the years since its establishment, the Group of 77 has become the representative of developing countries in international economic organizations. It has made unremitting efforts to promote South-South cooperation, promote North-South dialogue, safeguard its legitimate rights and interests and change the irrational international economic order, and has made gratifying achievements, reaching a series of international conventions and agreements beneficial to developing countries in the negotiations under the auspices of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development.
the purpose of the group of 77 is to strengthen the cooperation of developing countries in the international economic field and take a unified stand against the control, exploitation and plunder of superpowers and imperialism. The main way of activity is to hold a ministerial meeting of members before each session of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development to study countermeasures, coordinate positions and take joint actions to fight against developed countries for the reform of unequal international economic relations.
[ Edit this paragraph] Main meeting
On June 15th, 1964, at the first United Nations Conference on Trade and Development held in Geneva, 77 developing countries and regions issued the Joint Declaration of the Seventy-Seven Countries, forming the "Group of 77". By February 1988, 127 countries and regions had joined the organization, but the name remained unchanged. In October 1967, the first meeting was held in Algiers, the capital of Algeria. The Algiers Charter was adopted and it was decided to take joint action to resist exploitation and plunder by developed countries. The second meeting was held in Lima, Peru, in October 1971. The Lima Declaration was adopted, condemning the superpower's arms race, colonialism, racism, occupation of other countries' territories and exerting pressure on other countries, and demanding that the developing countries' unauthorized status in international finance, trade, tariffs, aid, shipping and natural resources development be changed.
In April 1974, the sixth special session of the General Assembly adopted the Declaration and Programme of Action on the Establishment of a New International Economic Order drafted by the Group, which stipulated a series of important principles for the establishment of a new international economic order: all countries have the right to participate in solving world economic problems on an equal footing and have the right to exercise permanent sovereignty over their natural resources and all domestic economic activities; Developing countries have the right to establish joint organizations of countries producing raw materials and primary products.
In February 1976, the third meeting was held in Manila, and the Manila Declaration and Action Plan were adopted. In February 1979, the fourth meeting was held in Arusha, Tanzania, and the Arusha Declaration was adopted, emphasizing North-South dialogue and South-South cooperation. The fifth meeting was held in Buenos Aires in April 1983.
in April 2, heads of state or government from 133 member countries of the group of 77 or their representatives held the first south summit in Havana, Cuba. This is the highest-level and largest meeting held by the Group of 77 for the first time since its establishment 36 years ago. Its central theme is how to deal with the severe challenges and major risks brought by the accelerated globalization of the world economy to many southern countries; How to change the old international economic order that caused the growing disparity between the rich and the poor in the two countries, especially how to reform the existing international monetary and financial system and the world trade system and eliminate its various drawbacks and imbalances; How to urge the North and the South to talk on an equal footing through the unity and joint action of the southern countries, and strive to fully and equally participate in the decision-making of world economic policies and the formulation of relevant rules; How to carry out mutually beneficial cooperation between the North and the South, establish a just, fair and reasonable new international economic order, and make economic globalization actively and effectively promote the development and prosperity of all countries in the world.
leaders of various countries fully negotiated around the above-mentioned central issues and reached a consensus. At the end of the meeting, they issued the Declaration of the South Summit and the Havana Programme of Action for realizing this declaration, and decided to set up a "South Coordination Committee", which is composed of the main leaders of major regional organizations in the South. Its main function is to coordinate and organize the implementation of the above-mentioned Programme of Action formulated by the Summit.
In June 25, the second South Summit of the Group of 77+China was held in Doha, Qatar.
[ Edit this paragraph] Purpose of Action
Since its inception, the Group of 77 has set its own purpose of action: (1) to clearly express its just claims for developing countries and promote their collective economic rights and interests; (2) within the United Nations system, in the North-South negotiations on all major issues concerning the international economy, enhancing the "collective bargaining ability" of developing countries; (3) Strengthen economic cooperation and technical cooperation among developing countries. From the middle of 196 to the end of 197, the joint struggle of the Group of 77 was fruitful: it used most of the advantages formed by the equal voting system of the third world in the United Nations, and prompted various United Nations bodies to adopt resolutions that were fair and reasonable and beneficial to developing countries, including several legally binding decisions; Promote the United Nations to create some new institutions or mechanisms, and implement various programs that contribute to the economic growth of poor and weak countries; And criticize, resist and restrain political hegemony and economic hegemony in the international community through debates or relevant resolutions in various forums of the United Nations; Urge relevant UN agencies to strengthen research and evaluation on major issues such as the serious imbalance of global economic development, the serious injustice of international distribution of world wealth, and the widening gap between the rich and the poor in the two countries, and take corresponding effective measures to gradually solve them.
It is particularly commendable that the principle of "non-reciprocal universal treatment" is applied to developing countries in international trade, which was initiated by the Group of 77 at UNCTAD in 1964, and after years of unremitting efforts, the unfair and unreasonable original system of GATT was finally partially improved. In view of the old international economic order, the distinct strategic reform proposal, namely, the Declaration on the Establishment of a New International Economic Order and the Charter of Economic Rights and Duties of Countries adopted by the United Nations in 1974, was first brewed, initiated, negotiated and demonstrated by the Group of 77 at UNCTAD, with a unified understanding, and then submitted to the United Nations General Assembly for resolution.
[ Edit this paragraph] Related cooperation
China is not a member of the Group of 77, but it has always attached importance to developing cooperation with the Group of 77, supported its just propositions and reasonable demands, and maintained good cooperative relations with it. China has attended the ministerial meetings of the Group of 77 many times as a special guest or observer. Since 199, the relationship between China and this group has made great progress on the original basis, forming a new cooperation model of "Group of 77+China", and China has fully participated in all meetings and activities with this group.
(1) Jamaica is the Chairman of the Group of 77 this year. China donated 4, US dollars to support it: January 25th, 25. The handover ceremony of the Chairman of the Group of 77 was held at the United Nations Headquarters in new york on the 25th, and Jamaica became the Chairman of the Group of 77 in 25. The last presidency was Qatar.
UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan and President of the 59th UN General Assembly Jean Ping attended the handover ceremony to congratulate them. At the handover ceremony, Wang Guangya, Permanent Representative of China to the United Nations, announced that the China government would donate 4, US dollars to the Group of 77 this year to support the work of the Group and its Chairman. Wang Guangya personally submitted a donation to the Permanent Representative of Jamaica to the United Nations before the handover ceremony. It is hoped that the Group of 77 will further strengthen unity and cooperation in the new year and promote the high-level plenary session of the General Assembly and the Second South Summit to achieve fruitful results.
(II) The Group of 77 signed a medical assistance agreement with Benin: On March 16, 24, the Group of 77 signed a medical assistance agreement with Benin, and decided to provide Benin with medical equipment and medicines, and send medical volunteers in surgery, obstetrics and gynecology, pediatrics and anesthesiology. Mr. Amadou Ali, Chairman of the Group of 77 headquartered in Nigeria, said at the signing ceremony: This is the result of South-South cooperation, which conforms to the spirit of the cooperation plan advocated by the Southern Hemisphere Summit in Havana, Cuba, in April 2, and also conforms to the spirit of strengthening the unity of developing countries advocated by Nigeria, Cuba, South Africa and Libya. Benin's Foreign Minister Biaou said: He promised to use the donated medical equipment and medicines to benefit the people of Benin, and would warmly welcome medical volunteers to work in Benin.
On December 7th, 29, in Copenhagen, Denmark, the chairman of the Group of 77 and China said in Copenhagen on the 9th that this organization firmly opposed the draft agreement proposed by Denmark, which would pose a serious threat to the success of the meeting.
Di Aping said: For developing countries, the text of this agreement is extremely dangerous. It completely violates the principles of transparency and openness, undermines the principle of balance between developing countries and developed countries, and the principle of "* * * with differences" in the Kyoto Protocol. Developed countries should bear historical responsibility for the climate change in the past 2 years.
List of members of the Group of 77
As of May 25, the Group of 77 had 134 member countries.
On June 15th, 1964, at the first United Nations Conference on Trade and Development held in Geneva, 77 developing countries and regions issued the Joint Declaration of the Seventy-Seven Countries, forming the "Group of 77". By February 1988, 127 countries and regions had joined the organization, but the name remained unchanged.
Afghanistan Algeria Angola Antigua and Barbuda Argentina
Bahamas Bahrain Bangladesh Barbados Belize Benin Bhutan Bolivia Bosnia and Herzegovina Botswana Brazil Brunei Burkina Faso Burundi
Cambodia Cameroon
Cape Verde Central Africa * * * and China Chad Chile Colombia Comoros Congo * * * Costa Rica, C? te d 'Ivoire, Cuba, Democratic Republic of the Congo * * * And Djibouti
Dominica, Dominica, East Timor
Ecuador, Egypt, El Salvador, Equatorial Guinea, Eritrea, Ethiopia
Gabon, Gambia, Ghana, Grenada, Guatemala, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Guyana
Haiti, Honduras
India, Indonesia, Iran, Iraq
Jamaica. Jordan
Kenya Kuwait
Laos Lebanon Lesotho Liberia Libya
Madagascar Malawi Malaysia Maldives Mali Malta Marshall Islands Mauritania Mauritius Micronesia Federated States Mongolia Morocco Mozambique Myanmar
Namibia Nepal Nicaragua Niger Nigeria North Korea
Pakistan Palau Palestine Panama Papua New Guinea Paraguay Peru.