Active investors are most concerned about investment income and can bear higher investment risks. Considering that there are still many uncertainties in the current market, 70% of the funds will generally be invested in stock+partial stock hybrid funds.
Steady investors have rational investment attitude, are familiar with investment knowledge, can take certain risks, and are willing to invest for a long time in exchange for higher long-term potential returns. Generally, 50% of the funds will be invested in stock+partial stock hybrid funds, and the remaining 50% will be invested in debt-partial hybrid funds or bond funds to share the benefits of the stock market and bond market. This fund portfolio is what we often call a 50: 50 debt balance portfolio.
Conservative investors are more concerned about the safety of investment. Generally, 70% of the funds will be allocated to high-security investment tools, such as bond funds; The proportion of equity funds can be reduced to 20%, and 10% monetary funds can be matched.
When establishing a fund portfolio, we must treat the fund portfolio as a whole, and we must never treat each fund in the portfolio separately. Each fund in the portfolio has its own role and division of labor, and the fund portfolio with both offensive and defensive functions is relatively perfect.
Please remember that when investing in funds, we should pay attention to the overall fund portfolio and its long-term income and stability. Don't focus too much on the basics and daily ups and downs.