As the saying goes:? Afraid of thieves stealing, afraid of thieves thinking? When Gao was appointed secretary of the Luzhou Municipal Party Committee, Zhao Dagong asked Gao to approve the food city project, and Gao did not accept any money or goods. He also played Tai Chi with Zhao Dagong. If things are not done, they will not offend people, and they will be handled properly. But that Zhao Dagong is not a good bird. He will do whatever it takes to achieve his goal.
After Zhao Ruilong was arrested, he confessed that in order to approve the food city project, he asked Zhao Lichun to transfer, but Gao refused to approve the food city project. He had no choice but to invite a group of young and beautiful etiquette ladies for training. Zhao Ruilong took a fancy to Gao's two sisters. Because Gao had three miscarriages, he focused on his body and specially asked Du Bozhong to find a history professor to catch up with Ming history, which made him fall for it.
Highly-born literati, literati have more or less some perceptual habits. Zhao Dagong firmly and ruthlessly grasped this fatal shortcoming of Gao Yuliang. A smart, young and beautiful woman has entered a high life. A rustic fisherman girl actually discussed Huang Renyu's Fifteen Years of Wanli with him, which completely trapped Zhao Dagong's understanding of Gao, so Gao He got closer and closer, and he also abandoned his daughter and married Gao Xiaofeng without hesitation. Zhao Dagong passed by Gao Xiaofeng.
As soon as Dakang Li was transferred, Gao was completely burned on the fire, and his signature violated the system and laws. I don't know how many such bad things happened in Zhao's home. If you don't sign it, it's useless to directly offend your superiors. This Zhao Ruilong is no ordinary businessman. He is the son of Gao's superior Zhao Lichun, and he can be transferred to the mayor, which is also the operation of the old superior behind the scenes. In the back, dragged into the water by high. Logically, it may also be high to repair the slope. Some people will ask:? Why didn't Gao sign directly? After the incident, Zhao Lichun could be blamed. Not that deep! ? This is the tragedy of Gao. Most literati are lofty and arrogant, and pay attention to honor. He was not ashamed to bow down immediately before the power of the Zhao family. If he wants to bow his head, he has to have steps. On the contrary, because of this, he hurt himself.