The Dow Jones Industrial Average is one of the oldest indexes in the American market. As one of the indicators to measure the development of industrial composition in American stock market, it has the greatest impact on world finance. The Dow Jones Industrial Average includes the 30 largest and most famous listed companies in the United States.
The companies listed on the Nasdaq Composite Index cover all new technology industries, mainly composed of hundreds of advanced technology, telecommunications and biological companies with the fastest development in the United States, which mainly represent emerging technology industries and have a great impact on emerging technology industries around the world.
The Standard & Poor's Index is one of the most influential indexes in the American stock market except the Dow Jones Industrial Average. The Standard & Poor's Index includes 500 common stocks with huge total value, which is mainly used to analyze the long-term trend of stock prices. Standard & Poor's index has the characteristics of wide sampling area, strong representativeness, high accuracy and good continuity.