2. Fund expenses generally include two categories:
One is the expenses incurred by fund investors themselves in the process of fund sales, mainly including subscription fees, subscription fees, redemption fees, fund conversion fees, etc. These fees are generally charged directly when investors subscribe, purchase, redeem or convert. The subscription fee can be charged when investors buy funds, that is, the front-end subscription fee; It can also be charged when investors sell funds, that is, the back-end subscription fee, and its rate is generally decreasing according to the holding period.
The other category is the expenses incurred in the process of fund management, mainly including fund management fees, fund custody fees and information disclosure fees. These expenses are borne by the assets of the fund. For money market funds and some bond funds that do not charge subscription and redemption fees, a certain fee can also be extracted from the fund assets at a ratio of no more than 2.5‰, which is used exclusively for fund sales and services to fund holders.