What's the difference between maternity insurance and maternity fund?
First, the maternity insurance for the insured employees has been paid continuously for 9 months, and the medical expenses and maternity allowance for maternity and family planning operations are paid by the maternity insurance fund. Two, less than 9 months before the delivery date, maternity and family planning surgery medical expenses paid by the maternity insurance fund, maternity allowance paid by the employer. Three, the insured workers paid less than 9 months before delivery, and paid 12 months after delivery. The maternity allowance for employees was supplemented by the maternity insurance fund. The payment standard shall be implemented as follows: (1) If the payment base of my maternity insurance in the month of delivery is lower than the payment base of 12 months after delivery, the payment base in the month of delivery shall be divided by 30 and multiplied by the number of maternity leave days; (2) If the payment base of my maternity insurance in the month of delivery is higher than that of 12 months after delivery, the average payment base of continuous payment years before delivery and 12 months after delivery shall be divided by 30 and multiplied by the number of days of maternity leave. If the supplementary maternity allowance is higher than the maternity leave salary paid by the employer, the employer will reissue the difference to the individual; If the supplementary maternity allowance is lower than the maternity leave salary paid by the employer, the employer shall not recover the difference from the individual. Four, the insured maternity insurance payment base should be consistent with the old-age insurance payment base, in which the old-age insurance payment base is lower than 60% of the average wage of employees in this Municipality last year, and the maternity insurance is levied at 60% of the average wage of employees in this Municipality last year. Five, the county social insurance agencies should do a good job in maternity insurance and other types of social insurance payment base check, for the insured to do a good job in maternity insurance payment base check. 6. Raise the fixed payment standard of maternity insurance for natural childbirth medical expenses: the third-level hospital will be raised from 1.900 yuan to 2,000 yuan, the second-level hospital from 1.800 yuan to 1.900 yuan, and the primary hospital from 1.700 yuan to 1.800 yuan.