Zhangyan is from Changzhou, Jiangsu. In the seventeenth year of Kangxi, he was awarded the title of magistrate in Dengfeng and took office. Go to the county for three days, worship a mountain, swear not to accept a penny of bribes, and not to wronged a good man. In front of the yamen stood a huge stone with four words engraved on it: "Eliminate the private faction forever." A cabinet was set up to collect opinions, and the people threw their envelopes in. There are never any letters left. He summoned the exiles and urged them to farm the fields. He inspected the land conditions and crops suitable for planting there, and then urged people to plant kapok and various fruit trees. The school was also overhauled and Songyang Academy, one of the four major academies in the Song Dynasty, was restored. Mang Zhang hired Geng Jie as a teacher to teach students with Zhu Cheng Neo-Confucianism. From the county seat to the remote areas, 2 1 schools have been established. He examines students, checks them regularly, corrects students' sentence reading, and teaches them the manners of advancing and retreating. In his spare time, he rides a donkey to visit the poor and ask for help. Small disputes are settled on the spot. This place, Ludian in the west of the county, has always been easy to go to court. Zhang Biao reviewed Mr. Zhang's talent, recommended him to make a rural convention, and asked him to educate and guide the people, thus completely changing the dishonest folk customs. Shen Errui, the village chief, will be whipped if he owes taxes. If he finds the tax used by others to pay taxes on the way, he will return the tax to others, preferring to be accused rather than profit from other people's money. Zhang Biao thought he was virtuous and praised him. The farmer died of high school. His wife Meng was young, and her father-in-law wanted to force her to get married. Mrs. Yu wept bitterly at her husband's grave and prepared to hang herself. Zhangyan just changed her trip and asked her why she was crying. Knowing the situation, she was given money and rice to go home, exempting her from corvee. Give her condolences every year and keep her moral integrity. There used to be many officials in the county government. At that time, the number of lawsuits was decreasing day by day, and there was no place for treachery and fraud. Most small officials have gone home. Those who take turns to take charge of ceremonial duties pick up farm tools whenever they have time, because there is no way to earn money in the government. After five years in power, the people know to take the right path, and their living savings are increasing day by day. Just write down the four characters "official and clear folk music" on the threshold. Zeng sighed: "In recent years, the Song and Luo areas seem to have become another world! In the 22nd year of Kangxi, Mang Zhang was recommended to be promoted as a judge of Nanning because of his outstanding talent. On the day he left, people stopped the road and cried. Ancestral temples were built for him everywhere, statues were enshrined and plaques of "the first official in the world" were hung.