The daily income of the Fund is calculated and distributed in RMB yuan, and the payment method of income is only dividend reinvestment (that is, dividends are converted into fund shares), and fund share holders can get cash income by redeeming fund shares. If the investor's income is negative when the income is paid, the investor's fund share will decrease. If the investor redeems all the fund shares, the income will be settled immediately, and if the income is negative, it will be deducted from the investor's redemption fund. The fund shares purchased on T day do not enjoy the dividend right on that day, and the fund shares redeemed enjoy the dividend right on that day. Each fund share of the same fund category enjoys equal distribution rights. Without affecting the interests of investors, the fund manager can adjust the distribution method of fund income as appropriate, and this adjustment does not need to be passed by the resolution of the fund share holders' meeting. Monetary Fund Risk: Needless to say, social unrest. In the case of social unrest, all walks of life are decadent, social order is chaotic, and financial order is rare, relying on the monetary fund operating under the normal market order.