Some people buy funds and don't like complicated funds. They need to stare at them every day and feel bored. They like to buy relatively simple funds, so don't worry about it. So what is the way to make money by buying funds? Today, Bian Xiao has compiled some fund-related knowledge for everyone. Let's have a look!
Ways to make money by buying funds
Generally speaking, it is easier to make money by buying low-risk fund types, just saying that you don't make much money. Let's first understand the types of funds, which are generally divided into: money funds, bond funds, mixed funds, stock funds, index funds, QDII funds and so on. Different funds represent different risks and benefits.
The types of low-risk funds are mainly money funds and pure debt funds, and do not invest in the stock market. When buying a fund, try to choose a fund with large scale, good fund manager and good past performance. After the election, it is unlikely to lose money for a long time.
Types of high-risk funds, such as hybrid funds, stock funds, index funds, QDII funds, etc. , are relatively high risk, so the possibility of losing money is relatively large. You need to have certain fund knowledge and understand the fund before you can buy it. If you don't know much, you are likely to lose money to the principal.
Therefore, the way to make money by buying a fund is to buy a low-risk fund type, because buying such a fund basically does not have to worry every day, and the fund fluctuation is relatively small, which is a sound financial management. Although you don't earn much money, at least the possibility of losing money is relatively small, and it is also a great gain to accumulate slowly.
Can the fund make money in the short term?
The fund can make money in the short term. To be a short-term fund, we must first have a general understanding of the redemption rate of the fund, because the holding time of the fund is related to the redemption rate. The selling rates of funds are generally divided into 0~7 days, 7~365 days, 365~730 days and more than 730 days. The longer you hold it, the lower the selling rate will be, depending on the specific situation of each fund.
Therefore, short-term holding of funds is generally not recommended within seven days, and the redemption rate is relatively high, so you can choose 7 to 365 days. When you want to make money in short-term funds, you usually need to invest more money in a short time. If the fund type is high-risk, you will earn more money. But it is worth noting that if the fund market is not good, you will lose the principal, and the risks and benefits are the same.
Generally speaking, funds are more suitable for long-term holding, but if you are an experienced master and know more about funds, it is ok to buy short-term funds. If you are a novice fund, it is generally not recommended to play short-term funds, because the short-term holding of funds fluctuates greatly, and long-term holding can average the risk.
Can you earn 1000 by buying a fund of 5000?
Funds are generally divided into: money funds, bond funds, mixed funds, stock funds, index funds, QDII funds and so on. Different funds represent different risks and returns. Generally speaking, money funds and bond funds with relatively low risks basically have very limited returns. It's hard to earn 1000 for a fund of 5000 for several years, let alone a year.
So Xi Cai Jun takes a relatively high-risk stock fund as an example to explain to you that, generally speaking, when the stock fund market is good, a 20% annual increase is still possible. Suppose: an investor has 5000 yuan, and the expected increase of the fund is 20% in one year, then the money earned is: 5000_20%= 1000 yuan.
So buying a 5000 fund can earn 1000, just saying that it may take a long time, maybe one year, two years, three years and so on. And certainly not in a month or two. The above example means that the fund can earn 1000 yuan when the market is good and lose 1000 yuan when the market is bad.