_G Super Robot Wars Z2
_C0 largest fund
_L 0x0055B788 0x05F5E0FF
_C0 PP decrease
_ l0xc 0 1x 0060 182 1br of 0744 BC/>
_C0 SP undiminished
_ L 0xc 0 174240 0x00a 0202 1
_C0 Strengthening Chip 99
_ L 0x 4055 b8b 0 0x 002 e 000 1 _ L 0x 00630063 0x 00000000
BR/>; _C0's greatest hero SP999
_L 0x206B56B0 0x0 19003E7
_C0 hero SP999
_ l0x 106 b56d 0 pneumatic 0x000003E7 _C0 hero
_ L 0x 000000 ff/a & gt;
The heroic experience of _C0
0x 106 b56 D2 _ L 0x 106 b56d 4 0x 0000 bf68
_C0 Hero Hit Landing Value 999
_L 0x 106B56D6 0x000003E7
& ltBR/_C0 hero PP9999
_L 0x 106B56A4 0x0000270F
_C0 Develop capacity and improve 1:00.
_ L 0x 206 b56 C4 0x 0 1900 190
_ L 0x 206 b56 c8 0x 0 1900 190
_ L 0x 206 b 56 cc 0x 0 1900 190 BR/>;
_ c0 _ l0x8069fa 1cx024b04c complete PP
_L 0x 1000270F 0X00000000
_C0 development capacity increase 1 min.
_L 0x4069FA3C 0x024B0026
_ L 0x 0 1900 190 0x 00000000 0x 4069 fa 40 0x 024 b 0026
_ L 0x 0 1900 190 0x 00000000
_L 0x4069FA44 0x024B0026
_ L 0x 0 1900 190 0x 00000000
_ C0 all sp 999/>; _L 0x8069FA48 0x024B004C
_L 0x 100003E7 0X00000000
_C0 The whole air force 999
_L 0x8069FA4A 0x024B004C
_L 0x 100003E7 0X00000000
_C0 Experience Value 49000
_L _L
0x8069FA4C 0x024B004C,0x 1000BF68,0X00000000 _C0
Call 9999 in full.
_L 0x8069FA4E 0x024B004C
_ L 0x 1000270 f 0x 00000000 BR/>;
_C0 superalloy drops? Exercise force
0x003FE080 there is an error, 0x00000020
_C0 superalloy ZHP EN
_ L _ L 0x 000004 B0 0x 103 Fe 084 0x 000000 c8 0x 103 Fe 082,
0x20 17767C 0X00000000
_L _C0 EN does not decrease.
Reduced number _C0 bombs
_C0 natural gas joint venture pneumatic+150
_L 0x20 16EED8 0x24050096
_C0 gas is forced to be pneumatic+150.
_L 0x24050096 0x20 16EEF4
_C0 tries to close forced-150/>; _L excitation pneumatic 0x2016ef500x2405f6a/a >;
_C0 + 150
_ L 0x 20 16ef 10 0x 24050096
_C0 Exit XN Times
_L 0x20 17453c 0x000590C0
040 = 0C0 = 8 times
080 = 4 times