Is it important to guarantee a 20-year renewal?
The answer is very important, and very important. But the most important thing is not that insurance can be renewed for 20 years under any circumstances, but that insurance can be renewed for 20 years, plus it is clearly agreed under what circumstances and how much rate can be adjusted within 20 years.
I once boasted that six years of long-term medical insurance is guaranteed to be renewed, and six years of follow-up insurance need not be reviewed. Even if the sale is stopped, it can be transferred. It's really reassuring to see the issue of renewing the contract. But in fact, it is still a six-year warranty, and the commitment to stop selling after sale cannot be compared with the 20-year warranty.
The six-year guarantee renewal period only guarantees that the fees will be charged according to the original rate table within six years, which does not mean that this rate will be maintained after six years. According to the "loose" health advice of good medical insurance, it is predicted that payout ratio will not be low in the future. Can this rate be maintained after the six-year guarantee renewal period? In the last two years, the main insured are people under 40. When these people are no longer young after 10 or 20 years, when the climax of compensation comes, whether to renew or transfer insurance, the insurance content after the transfer and how to collect the premium will be a question mark.
Therefore, the guarantee renewal period of 20 years is locked, and the guarantee content and rate are locked at the same time;
Since the rate is adjustable, will the price increase by 30% every year after three years?
Whether to increase the premium rate is related to several situations: 1, and the payout ratio of this insurance was ≥ 85% in the previous year; 2. The payout ratio in the previous year of this insurance is more than or equal to the average payout ratio-10% in the previous year; 3. Important changes have taken place in the basic medical insurance system in People's Republic of China (PRC).
Let's start with the payment rate, which are the two biggest factors related to the payment rate:
First, the design of insurance liability. Do you think the products with deductible are higher in payout ratio or payout ratio without deductible? Millions of medical care is cheap, and it can guarantee renewal, which has a lot to do with this 10 thousand deductible. Design a deductible of 10,000 yuan to exclude most possible claims, so as to control the problems in payout ratio. Otherwise, you can pay every penny. Will this claim rate be low? Besides the deductible, this product has a waiting period of 90 days, and it can also control payout ratio.
Second, insure group products. One product's health notification is very loose, so people who are not so healthy can buy it, while the other product is very strict, excluding many people with medical history. Which claim rate do you think is higher? Obviously the former. Set up a more detailed and strict health questionnaire when applying for insurance, and screen the insurable population at the first time; The maximum insurable age is 55 years old, which is younger than the general insured absorbed by millions of medical insurance; The occupational level is set at 1-4, which is lower than the millions of medical risks of some unlimited occupations. All these designs are actually a means to control the dividend payout ratio.
Therefore, this product of Ping An, I think that in the future, payout ratio will only be lower than other millions of medical insurance, not higher.
However, important changes have taken place in China's medical insurance system, such as great changes in the basic medical system. At this time, it is not the product or the company that is affected, but the entire insurance industry and even the whole society.
We were asked if the worst case scenario is that the price of 17 will increase by 30% after three years. What does it mean if the payment rate of this product does not exceed the chart? It means that either the government supervision department has failed, and it means that the inflation of the whole social economy has reached an incredible level. Do you think this will happen in our country?
So, I think it's better not to worry too much.
The renewal is only 20 years. What should I do in 20 years?
The insurance industry used to sell so many medical insurances that were not renewed for one year, and consumers also bought so many medical insurances that were not renewed for one year. When there is no renewal guarantee, do not sell or buy insurance? If the current mobile phone can only make phone calls and send text messages, will you wait for the arrival of smart phones instead of buying them?
Moreover, no matter from the regulatory level or the insurance company's own credibility level, it will not ignore the interests of consumers and stop selling millions of medical insurance at will. I don't think Ping An will refuse to renew the insurance for customers in a simple, rude and one-size-fits-all way after the end of the 20-year guarantee renewal period. In this way, peace will not be "safe".
At the beginning of this year, the CBRC issued the Notice on Regulating Short-term Health Insurance Business (Draft for Comment) (hereinafter referred to as the Notice) to regulate the design, renewal, suspension of sales and pricing of short-term (one-year and below) health insurance products. The notice requires: "If an insurance company stops selling short-term health insurance products, it should disclose the specific reasons, specific time and follow-up service measures to insurance consumers through the company's official website, sales channels, newspapers, instant messaging and other means that are easy for the public to know, and continue to provide protection services for insurance consumers who have purchased products during the insurance period, and provide necessary and reasonable transfer insurance services when the insurance period expires."
If you buy a product with a big brand, a big platform and a large sales volume, don't worry too much that the product will suddenly stop selling. If you are really worried, buy two medical insurances to hedge the risk that one of them may not be renewed. The two policies only complement each other in the content of protection. However, the cost of renewal will be much higher when you get older, so there is not much need.
I believe there is absolutely no need to wait for 20 years, and the problem of medical insurance renewal will be solved. So just guarantee it for 20 years. How many 20 years can there be in life?
What if there is no proton heavy ion medical treatment, no prepaid medical expenses, and the drugs purchased from the hospital are not reimbursed?
First, proton heavy ion medical treatment is indeed better than ordinary cancer treatment, but getting into a quality hospital is not a simple matter. Not all cancers are suitable for proton heavy ion therapy. Proton heavy ion hospital will have strict indicators for patients admitted, and those who are not suitable will not be admitted. If you care about this, buy proton heavy ion medical insurance.
Second, there is no advance payment for medical expenses, which means that there may be huge medical expenses that need to be paid first and then reimbursed. The only difference between advance payment and no advance payment is whether you need to take out the money yourself first. If you care about this, buy medical insurance with advance payment function.
Third, drugs purchased outside the hospital are a kind of service for special drugs for cancer. At present, many cancer patients can't get medicine in the hospital and can only buy it outside the hospital. Without this content, it really means that new special drugs purchased outside the hospital can only be purchased at their own expense. However, I also heard that Ping An reimbursed customers for out-of-hospital drugs in the actual claims settlement, indicating that there is still some room in practice, but after all, there is no clear agreement. I care about this suggestion, but I still want to buy medical insurance with drugs bought from the hospital.
Although the above issues are not key insurance liabilities, they are indeed more important. I hope Ping An can supplement it with product upgrades. Zhongan enjoys the identity restriction of e-health audience's P&C insurance company, which does not belong to the medical insurance that guarantees renewal, but it has comprehensive guarantee responsibilities and additional services, and can also enjoy special medical care with specific diseases. It is also my own choice of millions of medical insurance. For millions of people with high requirements for medical security and comprehensive services, it is recommended to know this product.
The 90-day waiting period of this product is too long, and there is a deductible of 1 10,000 for serious illness. Will it be bad?
Generally, the waiting period for millions of medical services is 30 days, and there is no deductible for seriously ill medical services. But this product not only has a waiting period of 90 days, but also has 120 kinds of serious diseases and 1 10,000 deductible. Is it a little unreasonable?
As we mentioned earlier, the longer waiting period and deductible are set to control payout ratio. Ping An Health is underwritten by big brands. Even if it is guaranteed to be renewed for 20 years, the price is reasonable for most consumers. How can we not sacrifice other aspects?
Big brands, cheap prices, good insurance, and always good. This kind of thing is like asking your husband to be handsome, rich, kind, good to you and always good. ...
Finally, to borrow a sentence from Eric, our chief exploration officer, "there is a saying that' one white covers a hundred ugliness'". If you are most concerned about the renewal of insurance, then Ping An is the most "white" million medical insurance on the market at present. "