How to build a fund portfolio?
The first step is to understand the risk level and investment preference of investors.
The risk level and investment preference of investors determine the investment direction and nature of funds in the selected fund portfolio. Different funds have different risks, so it is the first step to grasp your own risk tolerance and choose the fund range for your own fund portfolio.
The second step is to choose a specific fund.
After choosing a good fund type according to your investment preference, choose a fund that suits you. Investor cards can refer to fund selection skills when selecting funds, such as fund managers and their qualifications, fund management ability and profitability, the size of expenses, and tracking errors of index funds.
The third step is to configure the proportion according to your own specific situation.
After investors choose the fund that suits them, they can allocate funds to spread risks and obtain expected value-added income.
The allocation ratio is to invest your own funds in the selected fund products and match the funds according to your investment preferences. For example, the investment ratio of fund A and fund B is 4: 6 or 3: 7, or the ratio of fund A, fund B and fund C is 3: 3: 4; Funds can be allocated according to the specific situation.
The above is all about how to build a fund portfolio, and I hope it will help you. Warm reminder, financial management is risky and investment needs to be cautious.
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