2. answering questions on the spot is skillful. It is not difficult to see from the examination papers of fund qualification certificate in recent years that the calculation of examination questions has increased and the time for answering questions is very tight. Bian Xiao thinks that the best way is to quickly and accurately complete the conceptual and memorable questions in the single-choice and multiple-choice questions in front of the fund qualification certificate, so as to make more time for the following questions. When you do a comprehensive question, you should browse the whole question, make clear the questions you want to ask, and then start calculating. Because, often, the questions in these topics are interrelated, and the answer in front is the known conditions of the questions in the back.
All right! The above are the answers to some fund qualification examinations shared by Bian Xiao, hoping to help everyone! Bian Xiao will pay attention to and update more about the preparation skills, dry goods, news and information of the fund qualification examination.