1, loan
Borrowing is also divided into long-term borrowing and short-term borrowing. Long-term loan refers to the enterprise borrowing from banks or other financial institutions, and the loan period is more than one year (excluding one year). The long-term loans of China joint-stock enterprises mainly refer to various long-term loans obtained from financial institutions, such as loans obtained from professional banks and commercial banks; In addition, it also includes funds borrowed from finance companies, investment companies and other financial enterprises.
2. Which is more cost-effective, interest first and principal later or equal principal and interest?
① Interest before principal: The borrower repays the interest on a monthly basis, and the maturity date of the loan is to repay the loan principal in one lump sum. The calculation formula is: interest = principal * annual interest rate * loan term.
② Matching principal and interest: The borrower repays the interest according to a certain amount of principal every month, and the interest generated by the monthly loan is calculated and settled according to the remaining amount of principal at the beginning of the month. The calculation formula is: monthly repayment amount = [principal x monthly interest rate x( 1+ monthly interest rate) loan months ]/[( 1+ monthly interest rate) repayment months-1].
3. How many years is the validity of the loan lawsuit?
(1) For private loans with regular repayment, the limitation of action is 3 years from the date of the expiration of the repayment period, and the right to request protection from the people's court will be lost after the expiration.
(2) For private loans with regular repayment, if the debtor fails to perform the debt after the expiration of the agreed period and issues a debt bill without repayment date, it will be deemed that the limitation of action is interrupted, and the limitation of action will be recalculated from the second day after receiving the debt bill (3 years).
(3) The irregular repayment of private loans, that is, private loans without repayment date, is not limited by the statute of limitations, but by the maximum protection period of 20 years.
4. Can the loan interest be deducted from the principal in advance?
Lenders cannot deduct interest from the principal in advance when providing loans, and loan interest is generally paid to lenders in batches at the expiration of the loan period or during the performance of the contract; If it is still deducted from the principal in advance, the borrower only needs to repay the loan according to the actual loan amount and pay the corresponding interest.
5. Does the loan need interest?
Loans generally need interest, interest = loan amount * loan time * loan interest rate, in which the loan interest rate will fluctuate according to the central bank's loan benchmark interest rate, and the loan amount and time are related to the loan type. In addition, there are interest-free loans, but not always without interest. Instead, they are subsidized by the government for a certain period of time. After the term expires, the borrower pays the interest himself. For example, student-origin student loans are this type.