When is the net value calculated for fund conversion?
The calculation of fund conversion net value depends on the fund conversion time submitted by investors, as follows:
1 If an investor submits an application for fund conversion before 15 o'clock on the trading day, the net value of fund transfer and transfer shall be calculated according to the closing net value of the trading day;
2 If an investor submits an application for fund conversion after the trading day 15, the net value of the fund will be calculated according to the closing price of the next trading day.
The trading day of the fund is the same as the trading day of the stock market, generally referring to Monday to Friday, and it is impossible to conduct fund trading on legal holidays and weekends. When the fund is converted, if there are holidays, the time for calculating the net value will be postponed.
It should be noted that when the fund is converted, it cannot be converted between any funds, but can only be converted into an open-end fund of the same company and the same expense type, and can only be converted when the fund indicates that it can be converted.