Each region has differences in some details, but in general, borrowers need to provide the same materials: originals and copies of ID cards of both parties, marriage certificate, income certificate of both parties, and household registration book. Basically, that’s all you need to provide!
Let me give you a case from ICBC: Materials and procedures required for commercial loans. Loan conditions: 1. A natural person who is over 18 years old and has full capacity for civil conduct; 2. When the loan expires, men shall not be over 60 years old and women shall be under 55 years old.
; 3. Have a stable and legal occupation and source of income, and the ability to repay principal and interest.
Loan ratio 1. Housing loans generally do not exceed 70% of the total price of the house purchase contract, and the maximum does not exceed 80% of the total price of the house purchase contract; 2. Commercial housing loans do not exceed 50% of the total price of the house purchase contract; Loan period 1.
The maximum term of a personal housing loan is 30 years; 2. The maximum term of a personal commercial housing loan is 10 years; Loan interest rate 1. The interest rate of a personal housing loan fluctuates by 10% above or below the benchmark interest rate; 2. The interest rate of a personal commercial housing loan is within
The base interest rate will increase by 10%; 3. During the loan period, if the national legal interest rate is adjusted, the new interest rate will be implemented starting from January 1 of the following year.