Every family's economic situation and lifestyle are different, so each family should decide how much money to save every month according to its own actual situation. However, the following are some guidelines that may be useful:
Making a budget: First, families should make a detailed budget, including necessary expenses (such as rent, utilities, food, etc.) and optional expenses (such as entertainment, shopping, etc.). When making a budget, families should consider their income and expenditure and determine their monthly disposable income.
determine the savings target: once the household determines the monthly disposable income, it can consider how much money to save. Families may want to set a specific saving goal, such as saving 1% or 2% of disposable income every month. This goal should be set according to the financial situation of the family, and after considering other expenses, ensure that the family can achieve this goal.
consider an emergency fund: in addition, families should also consider establishing an emergency fund to deal with emergencies, such as accidental injuries and unemployment. Experts generally recommend the establishment of a savings fund that can support the family's expenses for three to six months. Therefore, if the family has not established an emergency fund, it may need to deposit more money into the fund until it reaches the target amount.
consider other financial goals: finally, families should also consider other financial goals, such as saving money to buy a house and saving money for their children's education funds. These goals should also be incorporated into budgets and savings plans to ensure that families can achieve them.