When investing in a fund, users can learn about its historical dividends and accumulated fund net value through the basic profile of the fund, so as to understand the operation of the fund. However, dividend is not the biggest criterion to measure fund performance. The biggest criterion to measure fund performance is the growth of fund net value, and dividend is only the cash for the growth of fund net value.
Investment funds should have relevant knowledge, such as knowing the classification of funds, such as money funds, mixed funds, index funds, stock funds and so on. It should be noted that different funds face different risks when investing, but high-risk funds also have high returns after investing, and high-risk funds may lose their principal.
Finally, the method of fixed investment can be used when investing in funds. By buying for a long time, the holding cost of funds can be reduced, and the subsequent funds can be sold for profit after they rise. However, the fixed investment of the fund will take a long time and may not be profitable in the end. Finally, investment funds must use personal spare money.