Investors can judge whether to buy before dividends or after dividends according to the following conditions:
1. If the stock account does not hold dividends, it is better to buy after dividends. Because it was bought before dividends, it has a short holding time. If it is sold after one month, 20% dividend tax will be charged. If it is held for more than 1 month and sold for less than 1 year, the dividend tax of 10% will be levied. If you hold it for more than 1 year, you won't receive dividend tax. It's better to buy it after paying dividends.
2. If the stock held in the stock account exceeds 1 year, you can buy it before dividends, because it is tax-free if it exceeds 1 year.
3. If the stock held in the stock account is less than 1 year, it is better to buy it after paying dividends.