It is a world-renowned fund rating agency. It has a high reference value for fund rating and analysis evaluation. During use, you can not only check the Morningstar rating of a single fund, but also use other indicators set in the rating to select funds. The website's "Fund Screening" and "Fund Comparison" are commonly used auxiliary tools for Xueqiu. It is the best stock forum in China and contains a large number of investors' analysis of stock fundamentals and industry trends. If you believe in value investing, you will find like-minded friends here.
If you are a novice, here you can learn from the investment experience of the masters and copy their homework. Yahoo Finance Yahoo Finance is Yahoo's financial channel website. It remains the most prominent financial news and research website in the United States, according to comScore. Since January 2008, the website has received more than 37.5 million unique visitors per month. Yahoo Finance provides video programming, stock quotes, stock exchange rates, company press releases, financial reports, discussions of company prospects and stock valuations, and other financial information.
NvestopediaInvestopedia is an Internet website dedicated to educational investment. The site was funded by Corey Janssen and Corey Wagner in June 1999. The company is headquartered in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. In 2007, Forbes acquired Investopedia and sold it to ValueClick in 2010 for $4.3 billion. SmartMoney is the personal business magazine of The Wall Street Journal. It was founded in 1992 by Hearst Corporation and Dow Jones & Company. The magazine is targeted at the financial industry and users with personal finance needs. Financial Intelligence edited by Jonathan Dahl. In 2001, total monthly circulation was 812,305 copies.