It is not recommended that candidates review by simply memorizing questions.
Based on past exam results, the fund industry real questions will be repeated. The question points of the Fund Practitioner Qualification Examination all come from the textbooks and syllabus, so some common and important question points may be repeated. Despite this, it is still not recommended that candidates review by memorizing questions. The purpose of review is to master the knowledge points of the textbook, so that you can cope with the ever-changing changes without being afraid of changes in the exam content, and you can successfully avoid pit-breaking questions.
When candidates adopt the question sea tactic in preparing for the Fund Practitioner Qualification Examination, they must first thoroughly understand the teaching materials, master each test point, and then use the question sea tactic to carry out the final repeated consolidation sprint, so that they will achieve Get twice the result with half the effort.
Friendly reminder from Global Ivy: The above is the answer to the question [Can a fund practitioner pass just the questions?], I hope it can help everyone!