How much can you earn by buying a money fund for 60 thousand?
How much you can earn by buying a money fund with 60 thousand yuan is mainly related to the seven-day annualized rate of return. At present, the seven-day expected annualized rate of return of most money funds is not very high, which is basically around 2%. Let's take 2% as an example.
Suppose: an investor buys 60,000 money funds, and the average annualized rate of return of the money funds for seven days is 2% a year, then the income obtained is: 60,000 * 2% = 1.200 yuan.
Can you make money by buying a money fund?
Buying a money fund can make money,
However, it should be noted that money funds are also risky, but the risk is relatively small. When choosing a money fund, investors can refer to past earnings and try to choose a money fund with good past earnings and never negative earnings. Although the past does not represent the future, it will still have certain reference significance.
Secondly, we also need to consider the past income, fund manager, fund scale, morning star level and so on of the money fund, and finally choose a suitable money fund.