Generally, the funds that charge commission fees are floor funds (ETF funds, closed-end funds, index funds, etc.). Floor funds refer to funds that trade on the stock exchange. Floor funds trade according to the real-time market price just like stocks, and the calculation of the commission of floor funds and stocks is similar, which is the transaction amount multiplied by the negotiated commission rate. The formula is: commission = actual transaction amount * commission rate
Specific calculation method:
The commission rate of an investor investing in a securities company is three ten thousandths, and the transaction price is 2 yuan per share, so its transaction commission is 1*2*3/1=6 yuan.
commission refers to the fees charged by investors according to a certain proportion in the process of trading funds or stocks. At present, the trading commission of securities companies generally does not exceed three ten thousandths of the transaction amount, but investors can contact the securities companies they cooperate with to negotiate the collection of commission fees.
Commission is uncertain. The commissions charged by different securities companies are different, and they are collected in both directions. Both buying and selling require commissions. Some securities companies stipulate that the lowest commission fee for each transaction is 5 yuan, and those less than 5 yuan shall be charged according to 5 yuan, which shall be implemented according to the regulations of securities companies.
Difference between OTC fund, OTC fund and stock fee:
OTC fund fee: OTC fund only needs to charge a certain percentage of commission.
the handling fees of OTC funds include subscription fee, redemption fee and operating fee (custody fee, sales service fee, etc.). The larger the transaction amount, the less the subscription fee; The longer the fund is held, the lower the redemption fee, even ; Operating expenses are accrued in the daily fund assets and paid monthly, and investors do not need to pay separately.
The transaction expenses of stocks mainly include stamp duty, transfer fees and commission. Stamp duty is generally one thousandth of the transaction amount, which can be collected in one direction and paid when selling; Transfer fees is .2 ‰ of the transaction amount, which is a two-way charge, and both sales and purchases need to be paid.