1. fof, commonly known as the fund in the fund, is a fund that specializes in investing in other securities investment funds. Since fof does not directly invest in stocks or, its investment scope is limited to other funds. Indirectly holding securities assets such as stocks and securities by holding other securities investment funds. It is a new type of fund that combines fund product innovation with sales channel innovation.
second, on the one hand, fof binds multiple funds together. Investing in fof is equivalent to investing in multiple funds at the same time, but the cost is much lower than that of individual investment; On the other hand, unlike pure sales plans such as fund supermarkets and fund bundle sales, fof completely adopts the legal form of funds and operates according to the operation mode of funds; Fof includes the long-term investment strategy of the fund market. Like other funds, it is a financial instrument that can be invested for a long time. The advantage of fof is high income and compensation mechanism, which is the advantage of fof.
third, the so-called fof(funds of funds) originally refers to "funds in funds", which is a special fund product specially invested in funds, and is a fund variety that combines fund product innovation with sales channel innovation. With professional investment institutions and scientific fund analysis and evaluation system, we can more effectively find out the superior varieties from various funds with uneven profitability, help investors avoid risks and maximize profits.
fourth, Fof is a fund that specializes in investing in other securities investment funds. It doesn't invest directly in stocks or. Its investment scope is limited to other funds. Indirectly holding securities assets such as stocks and securities by holding other securities investment funds. It is a new type of fund that combines fund product innovation with sales channel innovation. On the one hand, fof binds multiple funds together. Investing in fof is equivalent to investing in multiple funds at the same time, but the cost is much lower than that of individual investment;
5. On the other hand, unlike pure sales plans such as fund supermarkets and fund bundled sales, fof completely adopts the legal form of funds and operates according to the operation mode of funds; Fof includes the long-term investment strategy of the fund market. Like other funds, it is a financial instrument that can be invested for a long time.
VI. As mentioned earlier, LOF refers to trading on the Shanghai Stock Exchange, Shenzhen Stock Exchange and other platforms, as well as fund companies and banks, which is equivalent to both on-site and off-site trading. FOF-LOF products have an LOF suffix than ordinary FOF products. The added advantage is that FOF-LOF products can be sold in the exchange during the product closure period, but ordinary FOF with lock-up period is not.
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