The fund practitioner qualification examination only has single-choice questions, including general multiple-choice questions, combined multiple-choice questions and comprehensive multiple-choice questions. There are three subjects in this examination, each subject has 100 multiple-choice questions, each question is worth 1 point, the total score of the paper is 100 points, and the passing standard is 60 points. Candidates who meet the passing standards for all examination subjects will receive a certificate of passing.
Fund Practitioner Qualification Examination question types:
General multiple choice questions: The most common single-choice question type in the exam, choose the correct answer among four options.
Combined multiple-choice questions: generally adopt two forms: equal options and unequal options. The four alternatives of equal-option questions are composed of two or three question stems; The four alternatives of equal-choice questions are composed of one or more unequal question limbs. This type of question has the dual characteristics of general single-choice questions and indefinite multiple-choice questions.
Comprehensive multiple-choice questions: There are usually 2 comprehensive multiple-choice questions in a set of real test papers. It uses only one material and contains 3 multiple-choice questions. Generally, questions are asked across chapters to test candidates' comprehensive abilities such as graph analysis and calculation analysis.
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