if you buy at different prices, the transaction cost is different.
the average purchase price is a way to calculate the cost of stock trading.
● original average buying price
average buying price = (σ buying price× σ net dividend income)/σ buying quantity
actual profit and loss = σ (selling price-average buying price )× selling quantity
book profit and loss = (latest price-average buying price )× positions
actual profit and loss rate = actual profit and loss/() (average purchase price × positions)
● analysis of the period income
average purchase price = (initial market price × initial quantity+σ period purchase price × σ period net dividend income)/(initial quantity+σ period purchase quantity)
current surplus = σ (selling price _ average purchase price) × selling quantity
floating profit and loss = (average purchase price × quantity sold)
floating profit and loss rate = floating profit and loss/(average purchase price × quantity at the end of the period)
In the above formula, buying stocks includes allotment purchase (calculated by allotment price and quantity), additional issuance purchase (calculated by additional issuance price and quantity) and share offering and transfer increase (calculated by zero price and quantity).
the buying price and selling price are the prices including formalities fees, and the net dividend income refers to the after-tax dividend income, in which the income tax of dividends and bonus shares shall be excluded from the dividends of A shares, and the income tax of B shares and fund dividends shall not be paid.
The relevant formula is as follows:
Buying price = (transaction price × buying quantity+handling fee)/buying quantity
Selling price = (transaction price × selling quantity+handling fee)/selling quantity
Net dividend income of A shares = dividend ×8%_ face value of red shares × 2%
Net dividend income of B shares or funds.