Everyone is familiar with stocks. If you are optimistic about the prospect of a company and think that it can make money after listing, or you can make more money, then you can buy shares of this company and become one of its shareholders. When the company makes money and the stock price goes up, you can get more profits. If the company is not well managed, you should also bear the corresponding risks.
The threshold for stocks is relatively high. For example, Tesla's current share price is more than 600 US dollars, equivalent to more than 4,000 RMB. If you only have more than 3000 yuan in your hand, you can't even afford one share. At this time, some institutions appeared, such as fund insurance companies and banks. These institutions will set up a huge pool of funds and set up a fund management team to help everyone invest. At this time, they will help us even if they invest a dollar.
What is futures? Let's get to know the scene first If I sell steamed bread and the raw material is flour, today I bought 100 Jin of flour from the boss who sells flour, and it is in stock, and the futures are relative to the spot.
I had a poor wheat harvest last year, and the price of flour may go up next year, so I told the boss who bought flour to sign a contract. No matter whether the price of flour goes up next year, I will buy 800 kilograms at the price of one kilogram in 0.5 yuan. This contract is equivalent to a futures contract. Futures usually form some standardized tradable contracts with some commodities, such as cotton, soybeans, stock indexes, bonds and so on. Buying and selling futures is buying and selling contracts.