In stock funds, different funds also have different investment skills. Generally speaking, in an upward market environment, it is easier to get better expected annualized expected returns by choosing passive index funds to make fixed investment than actively managed stock bases, but if the trend is unclear or even pessimistic, actively managed stock funds are better than index funds. Therefore, in the volatile market, active partial stock funds are a better choice for investors to make fixed investment.
Specific to product selection, industry insiders suggest that active partial stock funds with moderate scale, stable performance and sustainable growth potential can be selected for fixed investment. We can examine the growth rate of the fund's cumulative net value, the dividend ratio of the fund, compare the expected annualized expected return of the fund with the market trend, and compare the expected annualized expected return of the fund with the expected annualized expected return of other similar funds, so as to make a choice.
The fixed investment of the fund is a long-term work, and the profit probability of long-term adherence to fixed investment will be higher. You can't give up a fixed investment just because the expected annualized expected return of a short-term fixed investment is not good, and short-term fluctuations should not be the basis for easily giving up a fixed investment.