(1) Those who have one of the following residual feelings, organ loss or complete loss of function, other organs can not be compensated, and have special medical dependence and complete nursing dependence, are classified as Grade I:
1. Plant state;
2. extremely severe mental retardation;
3. The muscle strength of quadriplegia is Grade 3 or Triplegia is Grade 2;
4. Severe dyskinesia;
5. Loss or complete loss of function above both elbows;
6. Loss of both lower limbs and one upper limb;
7. The function of more than 5 joints in shoulder, elbow, hip and knee joint is completely lost;
8. The total body scar accounts for more than 9% of the body surface area, and more than 6 joints in the major joints of the limbs are dysfunctional;
9. enucleation of both eyes;
1. There is no light perception in both eyes or only light perception but light positioning is not accurate;
11. bilateral maxilla and mandible were completely defective;
12. Dyspnea is Grade IV, which requires lifelong dependence on mechanical ventilation;
13. Small intestine resection is more than 9%;
14. Chronic renal insufficiency (uremia stage) requires lifelong hemodialysis maintenance treatment for more than 6 months.
(2) Those who have one of the following residual feelings, serious organ defect or deformity, serious dysfunction or complications, special medical dependence and most nursing dependence are classified as Grade II:
1. Severe mental retardation;
2. The cranial nerves in the posterior group were completely paralyzed on both sides;
3. Triplegia muscle strength is Grade 3 or Paralysis and Hemiplegia muscle strength is Grade 2;
4. After systematic treatment, the ability of working, living and socializing is still basically lost;
5. The forearm is missing or the function of both hands is completely lost;
6. high loss of both lower limbs;
7. The knees and ankles are stiff in non-functional position or completely lose their functions;
8. Four joints in shoulder, elbow, hip and knee joint lose their functions completely;
9. The total body scar accounts for more than 8% of the body surface area, and more than four joints in the major joints of the limbs are dysfunctional;
1. Total facial scar with severe disfigurement;
11. With or without light perception in one eye, the corrected visual acuity in the other eye is ≤.2 or the binocular visual field is ≤8% (or the radius is ≤ 5);
12. binocular corrected vision < .2 or binocular visual field ≤8% (or radius ≤ 5);
13. Complete defect of bilateral maxilla or bilateral mandible;
14. One maxilla and the opposite mandible are completely defective;
15. The lung function is seriously damaged, and the breathing difficulty is Grade IV, so it is necessary to rely on oxygen therapy to maintain life;
16. After esophageal injury, it is impossible to perform esophageal reconstruction and rely on gastrostomy or jejunostomy to eat;
17. After bilateral lung or heart-lung transplantation;
18. Chronic cardiac function grade IV;
19. The treatment of malignant ventricular tachycardia was ineffective;
2. After small bowel transplantation;
21. hepatectomy ≥3/4 or bile duct injury with severe liver function damage;
22. orthotopic liver transplantation after hepatectomy;
23. decompensation of liver cirrhosis and severe damage of liver function;
24. Portal hypertension triad or Budd-chiari syndrome occurs after liver trauma;
25. Total pancreatectomy;
26. Chronic renal insufficiency (renal failure stage) for more than 6 months, and lifelong dependence on drug treatment or intermittent dialysis;
27. pneumoconiosis stage ⅲ with moderate damage to lung function, or dyspnea stage ⅲ;
28. after radiation pneumonia, pulmonary fibrosis with more than two lobes, with moderate damage to pulmonary function or dyspnea grade ⅲ;
29. Acute leukemia is not relieved after treatment;
3. Severe aplastic anemia;
31. myelodysplastic syndrome RAEB-T type;
32. Lymphoma is stage ⅲ ~ ⅳ, and the disease continues to progress after treatment.
(3) Those who have one of the following residual feelings, serious organ defect or deformity, serious dysfunction or complications, special medical dependence and partial nursing dependence are classified as Grade III:
1. Moderate dyskinesia;
2. The muscle strength of paraplegia or hemiplegia is Grade 3;
3. The muscle strength of both hands with total paralysis is grade 3;
4. Loss of deep sensation in limbs;
5. In the posterior group, the cranial nerves were completely paralyzed bilaterally or unilaterally;
6. after the systematic treatment of organic mental disorder and schizophrenia, most of them lose their life, labor and social skills or have dangerous and impulsive behaviors;
7. Loss of one hand (wrist joint plane) and thumb of the other hand (including metacarpal bone);
8. The thumb and forefinger (including metacarpal bones) of both hands are missing or completely lose their functions;
9. Absence on the right elbow;
1. The wrist joint plane of the handedness is missing or the handedness function is completely lost, and the dysfunction of the other hand is ≥ 5%;
11. In both hips and knees, one joint is missing or non-functional and the other joint is not fully functional ≥ 5%;
12. One side of the hip and knee joint is deformed and its function is completely lost;
13. Non-ipsilateral supracarpal and supraankle loss;
14. The total body scar accounts for more than 7% of the body surface area, and more than two joints in the major joints of the limbs are dysfunctional;
15. facial scar > 8% with moderate disfigurement;
16. With or without light perception in one eye, the corrected visual acuity in the other eye is ≤.5 or the visual field is ≤16% (or the radius is ≤ 1);
17. binocular corrected vision < .5 or binocular visual field ≤16% (or radius ≤ 1);
18. One eye was enucleated or the orbital contents were enucleated, and the corrected visual acuity of the other eye was < .3 or the visual field was ≤24% (or the radius was ≤ 15);
19. Breathing depends entirely on tracheal cannula or stoma;
2. No swallowing function, completely relying on stomach tube to eat;
21. Complete defect of the upper and lower mandibles on the same side;
22. Complete defect on one side or mandible with oral and facial soft tissue defect > 3cm 2;
23. Severe impairment of lung function, dyspnea grade III;
24. after unilateral pneumonectomy with thoracic reconstruction or unilateral thoracic reconstruction (ribs removed ≥6);
25. Chronic cardiac function grade III;
26. ⅲ atrioventricular block without permanent pacemaker;
27. aortic dissection aneurysm (without surgery);
28. Grade 3 hypertension with severe damage to any organ of heart, brain and kidney;
29. large area myocardial infarction, ef ≤ 4%;
3. Hepatectomy ≥2/3, moderate liver function damage;
31. Small bowel resection ≥ 3/4;
32. Chronic renal insufficiency (renal decompensation period is more than 6 months);
33. After renal transplantation, renal allograft dysfunction (compensatory stage of renal insufficiency);
34. Permanent ureterostomy;
35. Total cystectomy;
36. decompensated liver cirrhosis and severe liver function damage;
37. Severe inflammatory bowel disease;
38. Abdominal tuberculosis has extensive intestinal adhesion, accompanied by recurrent intestinal obstruction;
39. pneumoconiosis stage ⅲ;
4. Pneumoconiosis stage II with moderate lung function damage or dyspnea stage III;
41. Pneumoconiosis Ⅰ and Ⅱ with active pulmonary tuberculosis;
42. Two lobes of lung fibrosis after radiation pneumonia, with moderate damage to lung function or dyspnea grade III;
43. agranulocytosis, long-term dependence on drug treatment;
44. stage ⅲ ~ ⅳ lymphoma requires regular chemotherapy;
45. Severe diabetes insipidus with severe damage to the function of more than one anterior pituitary target gland axis;
46. The function of the target gland axis in more than two anterior pituitary lobes was severely damaged;
47. islet cell tumor (including hyperplasia) recurs or cannot be operated after operation;
48. Patients with diabetes have one of the following complications: cardiac function grade III, renal insufficiency decompensation, proliferative retinopathy of both eyes, and amputation caused by gangrene of lower limbs.
(4) Those who have one of the following residual feelings, serious organ defect or deformity, serious dysfunction or complications, special medical dependence and a small number of nursing dependence are classified as Grade 4:
1. Moderate mental retardation;
2. Severe epilepsy;
3. Complete mixed aphasia or complete sensory aphasia;
4. The muscle strength of partial paraplegia in both hands is Grade 2;
5. the muscle strength of single limb paralysis is grade 2;
6. the muscle strength of bipedal total paralysis is grade 2;
7. The cerebrospinal fluid leaks and cannot be repaired;
8. Loss of deep sensation in both limbs;
9. After systematic treatment, organic mental disorders and schizophrenia still have prominent delusions, persistent or recurring hallucinations, poor thinking, decreased will, apathy and other symptoms, and partial loss of life, labor and social skills;
1. The plane of carpometacarpal joint of both thumbs is completely missing or has no function;
11. the forearm of handedness is missing or the function of handedness is completely lost;
12. The non-profit elbow is missing, so the prosthesis cannot be installed;
13. One leg below the knee is missing, and the other forefoot is missing;
14. One side of the lower limb is amputated at a high position, and artificial limbs cannot be installed;
15. One ankle plane is missing, and the other foot is deformed, making it difficult to walk;
16. Missing below the knees;
17. Spinal fracture with lateral curvature or kyphosis over 3 degrees, with severe radicular neuralgia or spinal stenosis;
18. The total body scar accounts for more than 6% of the body surface area, and one joint in the major joints of the limbs is not functional;
19. facial scar > 6% with slight disfigurement;
2. With or without light perception in one eye, the corrected vision in the other eye is less than .3 or the visual field is ≤32% (or the radius is ≤ 2);
21. The corrected visual acuity of one eye is less than .5, and that of the other eye is less than or equal to .1;
22. binocular corrected vision < .1 or visual field ≤32% (or radius ≤ 2);
23. Binaural hearing loss ≥ 9 dbhl;
24. Dysphagia, only liquid food;
25. Partial maxillary defect with oral and facial soft tissue defect > >2cm2;;
26. Mandibular defect is more than 6cm, accompanied by oral and facial soft tissue defects > >2cm2;;
27. Bilateral temporomandibular joints are stiff and can't open their mouths at all;
28. Tongue defect > total tongue 2/3;
29. Bilateral complete facial paralysis;
3. Moderate impairment of lung function, dyspnea grade II;
31. One-sided pneumonectomy or bilateral lobectomy;
32. Severe chest trauma with dyspnea grade II;
33. Esophageal stricture after reconstruction, and only liquid food can be taken;
34. After heart transplantation;
35. After single lung transplantation;
36. Mohs Ⅱ Ⅱ atrioventricular block or sick sinus syndrome requires permanent pacemaker;
37. Grade 3 hypertension with moderate damage to any organ of heart, brain and kidney;
38. Myocarditis with ventricular enlargement and EF ≤ 4%;
39. Total gastrectomy;
4. Small bowel resection ≥2/3, including ileocecal resection or right hemicolectomy;
41. Total resection of colon, rectum and anus, ileostomy;
42. Severe anal incontinence after trauma;
43. moderate liver function damage caused by biliary tract injury;
44. subtotal pancreatectomy with insulin dependence;
45. The parathyroid function is severely low;
46. After renal transplantation;
47. Permanent cystostomy;
48. Neurogenic bladder with hydronephrosis;
49. Urethral stricture requires regular dilation;
5. bilateral adrenal defects;
51. penile absence;
bilateral ovariectomy or functional loss in infertile women under p>52.5 years old;
53. Vaginal atresia;
54. Chronic pancreatitis with pancreatic dysfunction;
55. pneumoconiosis stage Ⅱ;
56. Pneumoconiosis stage I with moderate lung function damage or dyspnea stage II;
57. The liver cirrhosis is decompensated and the liver function is moderately damaged;
58. subacute radiation sickness caused by severe external irradiation;
59. Chronic myeloid leukemia;
6. Chronic aplastic anemia, with hemoglobin continuously lower than 6g/L, needs long-term treatment;
61. Frequent paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria, with hemoglobin persistently lower than 6 g/L, requires long-term treatment;
62. Myelodysplastic Syndrome (except RAEB-T), with hemoglobin continuously lower than 6 g/L, needs long-term treatment;
63. The function of the target gland axis of more than two anterior pituitary lobes was moderately damaged;
64. Functional pituitary adenoma cannot be operated or recurred after operation;
65. Adrenal functional tumor or hyperplasia (primary aldosteronism, hypercortisolism, pheochromocytoma, etc.) is inoperable;
66. Diabetes mellitus complicated with obvious damage to more than two organs, such as nerves, cardiovascular system, cerebrovascular system, kidney and retina, or severe postural hypotension.
(5) Those who have one of the following residual feelings, most of the organs are defective or obviously deformed, have serious dysfunction or complications, and have general medical dependence are classified as Grade 5:
1. Complete motor or incomplete sensory aphasia;
2. Complete apraxia, agraphia, agraphia and agnosia;
3. quadriplegia muscle strength is grade 4;
4. the muscle strength of single limb paralysis is grade 3;
5. the muscle strength of handedness with total paralysis is grade 3;
6. the muscle strength of bipedal total paralysis is grade 3;
7. Unilateral incomplete paralysis of cranial nerve in the posterior group;
8. Partial paralysis of both hands, muscle strength grade 3;
9. Loss of deep sensation in one limb;
1. After systematic treatment, some symptoms such as hallucinations, delusions, slow emotional response, and decreased will remain, and a small part of labor and social skills are lost;
11. Deformity of spine fracture with less than 3 degrees, accompanied by radicular neuralgia (abnormal electrophysiological examination);
12. The forearm of the unprofessional hand is missing;
13. The function of non-handedness is completely lost;
14. One hand is missing thumb (including metacarpal bone), and the other hand is missing three fingers except thumb;
15. One hand has no function of thumb, and the other hand has no function of three fingers except thumb;
16. Loss of both forefoot;
17. The function of one hip (or one knee) is completely lost;
18. The total body scar accounts for more than 5% of the body surface area;
19. facial scar > 4% with one of the six criteria of disfigurement;
The childless women under the age of p>2.5 have complete bilateral breast defect or severe scar deformity;
bilateral mastectomy for infertile women under p>21.5 years old;
22. Vaginal stricture, urethral stricture and anal stenosis can't be repaired due to perineal scar (up to 2 items);
23. Corrected vision in one eye is less than .5, corrected vision in the other eye is less than .3 or binocular visual field is less than or equal to 4% (or radius is less than or equal to 25);
24. Corrected vision in one eye is less than .1, and corrected vision in the other eye is less than .3;
25. binocular corrected vision < .3 or binocular visual field ≤4% (or radius ≤ 25);
26. One eye was enucleated, and the corrected vision of the other eye was ≥ .3 ~ < .8;
27. Binaural hearing loss ≥ 8 dbhl;
28. nasal defect > 1/3 or complete defect of both auricles;
29. Partial maxillary defect with oral and facial soft tissue defect > >1cm2;;
3. Mandibular defects are more than 4cm long, accompanied by oral and facial soft tissue defects > >1cm2;;
31. The defect of upper lip or lower lip is more than 1/2;
32. Perforating defect of cheek > >2cm2;;
33. Tongue defect > 1/3 of total tongue;
34. After heart valve replacement or plasty;
35. Coronary artery bypass grafting and resection of ventricular aneurysm;
36. Vascular substitutes are heavy.