The questions of the fund qualification examination are all multiple-choice questions, among which multiple-choice questions are divided into ordinary multiple-choice questions, combined multiple-choice questions and comprehensive multiple-choice questions. Ordinary multiple-choice questions are the most common, so candidates can choose the correct answer from four options, and the survey form is relatively basic; Combined multiple-choice questions form four options, A, B, C and D, by arranging and combining four options, I, II, III and IV, and then make choices, so the investigation form is more flexible; Comprehensive multiple-choice questions will be given a piece of material in advance, and there are three small questions under the material. Generally speaking, it is relatively difficult to investigate and calculate charts.
One point for each multiple-choice question in the fund qualification examination, with a full score of 100 and 60 as the passing line. Candidates can apply for registered fund qualification by passing subject 1, subject 2, or subject 1 and subject 3.
Free access to learning materials and knowledge maps of fund qualification: /jjcy/xxzl/n237.html? fcode=h 1000026