There are many kinds of funds. In addition to stock funds, there are bond funds, mixed funds and money funds in China. Equity funds have the characteristics of strong liquidity and high liquidity, and have great advantages compared with other funds and direct investment stocks.
First of all, compared with other funds, although the risk coefficient is higher than other types of funds, the income of equity funds is also higher than other types of funds. The returns of these four funds from high to low are: stock fund, mixed fund, bond fund and money fund. Equity funds are the first choice for radical investors. Investors can allocate more equity funds in their portfolios according to their risk tolerance.
Compared with investors directly investing in stocks, investing in stock funds has the characteristics of risk diversification and low cost. For ordinary investors, everyone's total assets and risk tolerance are different. According to the research, 20% of the investment principal is the loss limit that a person can bear psychologically.
As we all know, investment voting is very risky, and most investors may not be able to bear the losses caused by the stock decline. Therefore, I suggest that you can choose to invest in stock funds, because this will not only share the benefits of various stocks, but also spread the risks among various stocks by investing in stock funds, greatly reducing the investment risks.
As the price fluctuates greatly, equity funds are also high-risk investments. Therefore, investors are advised to give priority to a certain proportion of index funds in the face of numerous stock funds in the investment market, and appropriately allocate some smaller stock funds with the next wave of growth potential and dividend potential.