Official website Inquiry: Enter the official website of China Staff Development Foundation and enter your donation information in the "Announcement", "Donation Inquiry" or similar sections to inquire about the issuance of charitable donation certificates.
Contact customer service: Ask the customer service staff of China Staff Development Foundation how to get your certificate of charitable donation by telephone, email or online customer service.
Looking for donation records: If you have donated money to China Staff Development Foundation, you can look for relevant collection records, receipts and other documents, confirm the specific donation time and amount, and contact the Staff Development Foundation to obtain proof of public welfare donation.
In short, if you don't receive the Charity Donation Certificate after donating to China Staff Development Foundation, you can inquire about the receipt of the certificate by inquiring official channels, contacting customer service or searching donation records, and urge the organization to provide the corresponding Charity Donation Certificate as soon as possible.
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