Bitcoin is very valuable. The exchange rate at 5: on March 13, 221 shows: 1 bitcoin is exchanged for RMB 368,182.9.
first, learn about bitcoin.
bitcoin is a kind of digital currency.
Maybe many people don't know much about virtual currency. Virtual currency can only be used in the digital world, does not belong to any country or financial institution, and can be exchanged anywhere in the world without geographical restrictions. There are hundreds of virtual currencies, such as Bitcoin, Litecoin, Infinite Coin, Quark Coin, Zeta Coin, Barbecue Coin, Penny Coin, etc. Bitcoin was first produced and put forward by Satoshi Nakamoto in 29. The popular saying "Bitkin, Wright Silver, Infinite Copper, Penny Aluminum" shows that Bitcoin is the most accepted and representative virtual currency.
second, how do you own bitcoin? -The most important way is mining.
Many people don't understand the relationship between mining and bitcoin: after the first batch of bitcoins were created, they were circulated, and the subsequent bitcoins were generated by verifying the transactions in which Genesis bitcoin participated, and then added to the circulation channels, resulting in a snowball effect, which led to more and more bitcoins. But he has an upper limit, and the theoretical upper limit is 21 million pieces.
a bitcoin mining machine is a computer used to earn bitcoin. This kind of computer generally has professional mining chips, and it works by burning graphics cards, which consumes a lot of power. After downloading the software, the home computer runs a specific algorithm, and the corresponding bitcoin can be obtained by connecting with the remote server, which is one of the ways to obtain bitcoin.
third, the home computer mines 24 hours a day, how long can it take to dig one?
more than three years, the longer.
at the beginning, bitcoin was very easy to dig, which could be done by ordinary computer CPU, and the problem could be solved automatically by downloading software. However, with the rise in the price of coins, more and more people want to "solve problems", and there are fewer and fewer bitcoins left, and the difficulty of mining is getting bigger and bigger. Nowadays, the amount of calculation required to dig a bitcoin is beyond the reach of ordinary people, so forget about ordinary computers.
according to the data of professional websites, even a special "mining machine" needs more than 1, days to dig a bitcoin. Calculated at the current price of Bitcoin, that is, the daily income of 5 yuan, if the computer works 24 hours a day, the daily electricity cost also needs 46 yuan. Even if computer equipment is not money, users can only earn about 5 yuan a day. -Now a bitcoin is $57,392.86 (trading quotation on March 12, 221).
it must take longer for a home computer to dig up a bitcoin.
if the computer configuration is very high, the time for digging coins will be shortened.
mining is a very difficult job.
"Maybe utilities around the world should start accepting bitcoin payments."
Don't dig for home computers, because Bitcoin has an upper limit, and it's getting harder and harder to dig now. Even if it does, it's not enough for the electricity bill. If it does, everyone will hang up their computers and dig for mines.
For example, if you haven't played with Bitcoin funds and stocks, it's like a year ago, all the funds knew that they made money, and all the old and the young were put into it. When everyone knows that this thing can make money, it's time for the bubble to burst.
when you spend 35, yuan on electricity
first, mining requires related equipment to unlock the computing power based on hash algorithm
second, the average home computer can dig out .18 bitcoins a day, and it will take about 556 days to dig out a whole bitcoin.
Third: Satoshi Nakamoto has set that the farther back you dig, the more difficult it is, so the second one is actually uncertain.
By the way, whether Bitcoin will plummet, I don't think it is possible at least at present. Meitu will not fall at present, because although the China market is not good, it is impossible for the world not to have a bitcoin market.
Yu Gong moves mountains, wash and sleep [decline] [decline] [decline]
Probably when a computer worth 3, is equipped [laughs]
The computer configuration at home is not good, and the electricity bill is a serious injury. It is not easy to get a [tears]
Digging bitcoin requires a special computer. It is estimated that you will spend tens of thousands of dollars on electricity, and you can't dig one! ! ! !