Gates built a henhouse in the foundation office on the land-scarce island of Manhattan. Through the experiment of raising chickens by himself, he got his own set of investment experience: if a farmer keeps three hens and a rooster, it only takes three months to give birth to 12 chickens, and it can breed 250 chickens a year, with a return rate of nearly 62 times.
In Africa, the price of a chicken is about 5 dollars. If you keep 16 chickens, you can produce chickens worth 1.250 dollars a year, which is twice the minimum income standard of the United Nations. Raising chickens alone can help him get rid of poverty. Because of its low cost, considerable income and high enforceability, this project is very easy to spread on a large scale in Africa. He and his wife's foundation decided to open a chicken farm in West Africa to provide chickens for local farmers and help them raise chickens to get rid of poverty.