Objectively speaking, the size of fund risk is related to the type of fund. Funds are roughly divided into stock funds, mixed funds, index funds, bond funds and money funds, and the risks are gradually reduced.
The biggest risk factor of the fund is the subjectivity of investors. For some people, the risk factor of buying a fund is very high, because they don't understand, buy with the wind, stop with the wind, and then lose a lot. For investment predators, the risk coefficient of buying funds is extremely low, because they know where the risks are and how to control and avoid them. The risk coefficient of a fund sometimes depends on how well you know the fund.
If we can keep learning, study hard and deepen our understanding of risks, the risks of investment funds will gradually begin to decrease for us.
Everything is the same, and the unknown brings fear and risk. This is especially true when investing. The best way to get long-term and stable income is to learn more and think more, and build your own investment framework according to your actual situation.
Risks in the market exist objectively, but we can avoid them subjectively through our own efforts. Buying a fund is risky, and this risk cannot be eliminated, but we have weakened it. The risk of buying a fund depends on ourselves. The more you can make a strategy, the less risk you have.