What is a stock fund?
Equity funds-that is, almost all the funds are used to buy stocks, and all the income comes from stocks. Hybrid funds-most funds buy stocks, and other income comes from stable investments such as foreign exchange, government bonds and deposits. Reinsurance is smaller than the stock type, and the income is certainly not as good. Principal guaranteed fund-it is mainly based on capital preservation. Under the premise of preserving your principal, it mainly focuses on investments with stable returns such as foreign exchange, national debt and deposits (maybe a little stock investment? Or not at all) to obtain income, the risk is small, but the normal rate of return is not much higher (the good income in the previous two years should be abnormal and will not happen again). Monetary Fund-Funds invested in short-term treasury bills, commercial bills, bank certificates of deposit, short-term government bonds, corporate bonds, interbank deposits, etc. The risk is not great. At present, their annual income is around 1.5% ~ 2%. Bond fund-As the name implies, a fund that invests in bonds.