Graded debt base can be divided into pure debt fund, primary debt and secondary debt.
Pure debt fund is a fund that specializes in investing in bonds. Bonds are issued by enterprises and countries, and they all have a characteristic: they have a certain term, and the principal and interest are returned at maturity, and the interest is higher than that of bank deposits. Therefore, the risk of buying a pure debt fund is not great, and its biggest risk is that it cannot keep up with the pace of inflation.
Tier 1 debt base refers to open-end funds that invest in fixed-income financial instruments, including government bonds, financial bonds, corporate bonds (including convertible bonds), repurchase and other fixed-income financial instruments that China Securities Regulatory Commission allows funds to invest in.
Tier 1 debt base refers to open-end funds that invest in fixed-income financial instruments, including government bonds, financial bonds, corporate bonds (including convertible bonds), repurchase and other fixed-income financial instruments that China Securities Regulatory Commission allows funds to invest in.
The secondary debt base is a bond fund. Investment target: in addition to fixed-income financial instruments, participate in stock trading in the secondary market as appropriate, and also participate in new stock investment in the primary market. You can refer to the fund contract to determine whether the fund is a secondary debt base.
The secondary debt base has a fund consignment channel in all major bank outlets, and investors can purchase the secondary debt base through docking with banks or online banking.