Of course, there are also some funds that will not actually lose too much when they are liquidated. For example, the money fund, because the general net value of the money fund is probably more than one yuan, even if it is liquidated, it will not cause too much loss to investors. Many people may think, what should the holders do if the fund starts to liquidate? In fact, if it is some mini-stock funds, there is absolutely no need for us to rush to redeem them, but if it is a fund with relatively low long-term performance, it should be redeemed as soon as possible, and it is better to stop losses in time.
Some people may not have time to redeem the fund in time. At this time, we don't have to worry too much about compulsory liquidation, because whether the fund will be liquidated is actually the final decision made by the fund company and the holder after discussion. If both parties agree that this product will continue to exist, there will be no forced liquidation, and we need not be too alarmed.
Of course, for most investors, before buying, they still need to know some basic knowledge of funds. Although the comparison between funds and stocks is indeed more stable, it is still an investment product, so there will be some risks. When investing, you should know how much your risk tolerance is, and then buy the corresponding fund.