Does the fund have any income during the National Day?
Whether the fund can generate income during the National Day depends mainly on what type of fund investors buy. If you buy stock funds, you will not generate income during the National Day. If investors buy money funds or bond funds, they can generate income during the National Day.
1, equity fund
For equity funds, most of the targets it invests in are stocks, and the stock market is closed for trading on holidays, so there is no income on holidays.
2. Monetary Fund
The money fund, which mainly invests in some deposits and bonds, earns interest every day, so there is income on National Day. Moreover, the money fund will calculate the income of the day every day, distribute and pay. When a statutory holiday occurs, the earnings during the holiday will be disclosed on the second natural day after the holiday, which leads investors to find that the earnings of 10,000 shares on the first day after the holiday are particularly high.
3. Bond funds
The income of bond funds mainly comes from the change of net value and bond interest, in which bond interest is calculated according to 360 days, so bond funds have income on National Day, and the income on holidays is generally reflected in the net value of fund shares.
But investors need to be reminded that as long as the share is confirmed, the income will be calculated. That is to say, if an investor buys a money fund or a bond fund before the National Day, but does not confirm the share, then there is still no income during the National Day, and the income cannot be calculated until the share is confirmed after the National Day, so it is best to buy it two trading days before the National Day holiday.
Which funds are profitable on holidays?
Monetary funds and bond funds.